9-9-15 Car Drives Off L.S. Drive Ramp & Crashes Near L.F. Bike Path


Source: chicagotribune/breakingnews.com

Another similar occurrence at the L.F.P.

The incident occurred around 6:30pm near Lakeshore & Randolph St.
The driver suffered a possible medical attack and was hospitalized.
An officer said no one on the path was injured.
A witness said, "There were a lot of very lucky people tonight. There are people all over the place here."

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How many people have to die before the city will enforce the speed limit on LSD? A speed camera could easily issue many thousands of tickets a day there.

Although cars do speed on LSD quite a bit, I'm not sure how speeding has much to do with what sounds like a medical issue causing a crash.


Speeding on L.S. Drive is a problem. It's not supposed to be a 75mph highway for impatient motorists.

The medical issue this driver suffered was unfortunate, but these incidents show that because of the high rate of speed on the drive any incident can cause danger to spread to the nearby areas. The LFP.

The incident doesn't show that.  We don't know how fast the driver was going and  whatever issue the driver had may have caused him to stomp on the accelerator. So without more information this issue doesn't really relate to speeding on LSD.

S, I was referring to the incident on 9-3-15. Did you review it? Speeding cars everywhere around L.S. Drive is a danger to the surrounding areas where people are because L.S. Drive wasn't designed as a high speed highway. THAT, was my point.

There have been two separate incidents within a week of each other of cars flying off of LSD at high speed. In the 9/3 incident, there is no doubt that the driver was speeding. Witnesses confirmed it, the car flew through the air (flipping three times), and the driver has now been charged with reckless homicide. (His car came to rest on the LFP. I wonder whether he would have been charged similarly had he killed someone on the path rather than his passenger.)

In the 9/9 incident, it's true that a fire department official has speculated that a medical issue caused the driver leave the ramp, but there is no evidence given to back up that speculation and clearly the man was traveling (for whatever reason) at a high rate of speed since he is reported to have plowed down several heavy street signs and then continued beyond that for hundreds of feet while still retaining enough force to total his car against a tree.


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