Don't know what I did to tick off the karma gods, but they are hatin' on me!


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Like others have said, it's a great idea to learn to fix your own flats. Especially, since you seem to ride a fair amount. Here's a video:

and my break down of costs:

Patch kit is about $2.50, 10 patches/kit. Therefore it'll cost you $0.25 to repair the inner stube, if you don't count your time, but as you do it more, it won't take very long. Always good to invest 2 extra innertubes too (since unrepairable flats do occur, although rarely)


Bike shops charge about $10 (new tube + labor). Can be convenient sometimes, but if you're racking up the miles and getting multiple flats (which everybody gets), it can become expensive.





Always carry a patch kit.  An extra tube or 2 is always nice but nobody is pefect and a brand new tube can be pinched while installing or a foreign object can be missed.  Most tubes can be patched hundreds of times.  I've even patched over a patch.  Usually I am too lazy to patch a tube on the road and simply swap tubes.  When I get home I patch it in the comfort of my shop.  The patched tube becomes my new spare.  But having that patch kit is handy when you get another flat or mess up. Rarely is a tube irreparable.  Even a trashed tube can be made to hold air.  Cutting a section out and gluing the parts back together even works sometimes if you are good. 


It's a good idea to carry around some fabric too.  A slashed/gashed tire can be strengthened with this to keep it from blowing out and get you home.

MagMileMarauder said:

. Always good to invest 2 extra innertubes too (since unrepairable flats do occur, although rarely)



My last four flats cost 12.50 each to repair.

$2.50 for the bus ride

$10.00 for the two beers in the bar next to bike shop

$0.00 for the flat repair with lifetime flat insurance I paid $35.00 for when I bought the bike


And, yes, I do know how to replace tube, repair tube, etc.

Choose not to in sh**ty weather...don't mind it at all in bird chirpin' weather...

That flat repair "lifetime" insurance sounds good, except this.

1. The time that you waste in waiting and taking the bus to the bike shop.

2. Bike shops close, and it has it be your bike shop. So you better always be riding between 11-8 pm.



PS. Impressed with your beer drinking prowess!;P

Have you considered taking the $10 you spend on the 2 beers and putting it towards a 6-pack to be shared with the shop staff?  They'll almost certainly be delighted and you might even find your flat getting changed even more quickly or a small % knocked off future purchases/service...

Correction, each of the last four flats cost 22.50, because I did tip the tech 10.00 each time. He always wipes the bike down, lubes the chain, and adjusts brakes. Hadn't thought to tip in beer...

Andrew N said:

Have you considered taking the $10 you spend on the 2 beers and putting it towards a 6-pack to be shared with the shop staff?  They'll almost certainly be delighted and you might even find your flat getting changed even more quickly or a small % knocked off future purchases/service...
I've had a pleasant and expedited experience at West Town Bikes wielding a six pack of Fat Tire during a class.
At WTB certainly, but not at Ciclo Urbano for certain. ;)


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