Bike Winter held its grip to the bitter end this year, with the cold, wet April justifying why we have a six month season. As we do some wrap up and look ahead to next year, will you share some of your favorite memories or any comments about BW 2010-2011 that can be used on the web site and possibly a press release?

According to Bob Matter, Bike Winter Meteorologist, we had 34 snow days this year. That's a lot of fun. . . and gunk.

Some of my fave BW 2010-11 memories:

  • Pulaski Park Fieldhouse (Cycle Swap) framed beautifully with snowflakes and parked bikes.
  • Cutting fleece at Liz and Shar's place and then seeing the final results at later events (and on people's ears)
  • Reading about Holly's successful efforts to stay in the saddle all year for the first time. Go Chet! Go Cherie!
  • Getting updates from our friends in Madison, WI and Columbia, MO
  • Living vicariously via Aaron's footage of the Santa Rampage.
  • Kidical Mass rolling every month with a strong showing from the wee, bundled next generation.
  • Bike Winter volunteer night at WTTW--the shirts were brilliant!
  • Being able to enjoy the post-blizzard days with all my winter "gear" and the traffic calmed streets.
  • All the daily support and banter on the "I rode today" threads on Chainlink.

These positive thoughts aside, I confess to nearly throwing in the towel on Thursday, April 28th, as I rode into the cold, windy rain to pick my son up from school. Sick of rain pants, sick of damp gloves, sick of no sunshine, I took consolation in knowing that Bike Winter was not. . . quite. . . over.  But now that the tulips have finally opened, I am glad to have another winter under my belt. How about you?


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Not busting my rump, not even once. \o/
I won't ever forget this year's Frozen Snot Century.

I loved seeing the fresh tracks of other bikers when we had snow or frost.  Motivating to know I wasn't the only one out there.  I always tried to move over a few inches to lay another set.



Doing my own little Bike The Drive in the southbound lane of the drive,after the blizzard.
Saturday runs up the lakefront from Hyde Park to e.leaven to get the best bagels in the city, and a ride where I discovered that it was way too early in the season to be riding in well ventilated clipless shoes.

Me neither!

 (i never connected screen names to real names)

envane x said:

I won't ever forget this year's Frozen Snot Century.


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