Some of my colleagues in Minneapolis are the organizers behind 30 Days of Biking. It's coming up again in April and they are encouraging people to register and commit to biking every day in April.

I was confused last year, because I kept waiting for instructions. The scoop is - register and make your commitment, then if you tweet use the #30daysofbiking hashtag to talk about your participating.

That's it. I've signed up and will be back on my bike making this happen for myself.

Care to join?

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Do you have to tweet?

If so I guess it may be time for me to start tweeting!  I do like twitter when I remember to go on (once every 3 months or so). 

Nope, you don't have to tweet at all. It's the easiest way to connect with cyclists around the world who are participating, but not the only way. You can reply to this thread or just know that you are one of a thousand or so people participating.

I suppose one can use the #30daysofbiking on Google+ or any other social media site that supports hashing.  I don't even use twitter any more since G+ came out.  

Getting the word out on whatever modes you use is the point I think. 

Hey it works on G+, good. Any day is within a set of thirty days.

Register your phone # with twitter. You can then send a text to 40404 to tweet directly from your phone. No need to open up the app whatsoever.


From their site -


30 Days of Biking, whose third year begins April 1, 2012, has one rule: Bike somewhere every day for 30 days—around the block, 20 miles to work, whatever suits you—then share your adventures online. We advocate daily bicycling because we believe it enriches lives and preserves the Earth. A worldwide, thousands-strong community of joyful cyclists has been forming around that idea since April 2010—and will further amass in 2012. We ride our bikes every day!

Okay, I'm new to twitter. I just created an account when I registered for the event. How do I use the hashtag when I post a twit from @ChicagoFire17?

My ride logging software will automatically post a twit to my account, how do I incorporate the hashtag?

What does the hashtag do?


Do I Follow #30daysofbiking to get everyone else's tweets for the day?

To follow everyone else's tweets, you can go to Twitter search and search for the hashtag like this.

To use the hashtag in a tweet, you'll simply type in your message and include it somewhere in it. For example

  • It's April 1 and I just got in from a ride! #30daysofbiking
  • Preparing for #30daysofbiking and just tuned up my bike

The hashtag serves as a way to collect all the people tweeting about the event. We could all participate in it, but using #30daysofbiking in a tweet makes it searchable by other people. It also posts to the main website.

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with how logging software posts to Twitter, but you should have somewhere that you can adjust what it tweets and be able to add the hashtag to it.

One of the guys from the #30daysofbiking leadership had a bad crash last week, which was covered in the press today. I wanted to highlight part of the article that talks about how they are trying to create a new type of bike advocacy.

Founder Stephenson, however, called Stafki's effort "awesome," and said the event has drawn 3,500 participants this year. He said 30 Days of Biking is an attempt to counter the sometimes militant faction of bikers who purposely break the laws to prove they belong on the streets. Stephenson believes those tactics are counterproductive.

Last year I wrote a column critical of the new bike lanes, and how they were rolled out without instructions for bikers or motorists. I was flooded with mail, mostly from the militants. I admit many of those traffic snarls I noticed at first have abated. There are still jerks, like the guy who cut off Stafki, but I'm glad that the people behind 30 Days of Biking are taking a positive approach to educating drivers.

"We want to be a friendly presence on the road," said Stephenson. "Some people call us 'bikey two-shoes' because we follow the law and wear helmets and behave. We want to remind people riding a bike can be fun. It can change lives, really."

Crashes happen.  Rude folks on bikes in the Cities was the norm when I lived up North, but biking was ALWAYS easy.  I'm really, really happy the Chicago has progressed to be as or maybe much more friendly than then the TCs. 

Leah Jone said:

One of the guys from the #30daysofbiking leadership had a bad crash last week, which was covered in the press today. I wanted to highlight part of the article that talks about how they are trying to create a new type of bike advocacy.

Founder Stephenson, however, called Stafki's effort "awesome," and said the event has drawn 3,500 participants this year. He said 30 Days of Biking is an attempt to counter the sometimes militant faction of bikers who purposely break the laws to prove they belong on the streets. Stephenson believes those tactics are counterproductive.

Last year I wrote a column critical of the new bike lanes, and how they were rolled out without instructions for bikers or motorists. I was flooded with mail, mostly from the militants. I admit many of those traffic snarls I noticed at first have abated. There are still jerks, like the guy who cut off Stafki, but I'm glad that the people behind 30 Days of Biking are taking a positive approach to educating drivers.

"We want to be a friendly presence on the road," said Stephenson. "Some people call us 'bikey two-shoes' because we follow the law and wear helmets and behave. We want to remind people riding a bike can be fun. It can change lives, really."

It's that time of year again! 30 Days of Biking officially starts on Monday, April 1, 2013, but with this weather I think you could get an extra ride or six in.

What is it: Make the pledge to try and ride your bike every day in April and when you talk about it online, use the hashtag #30DOB.

I'll try to organize a 30 DOB ride later in the month when it isn't Easter weekend, but here's hoping some Chicago folks sign up and tweet, instagram, vine, chainlink, blog or FB about riding your bike this month.


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