Justyna and the fine folks at Rapid Transit are clearing out to make room for the new bike models. From their blog, Chicago Bike Blog:

September 18, 2008
Looking for a bike in Chicago? They're on sale.

If you're a reader somewhere far away, this post isn't gonna do you any good.
But if you are in Chicago, and in the market for a commuter bike, you may be interested to know that Rapid Transit Cycleshop is clearing its decks. Yep, we'll be heading to the Interbike Expo next week to do some bike shopping for next season, and we need to make some room. So, all of our remaining 2008 bikes (excluding folders and recumbents) are marked down 10-20%. Check out this cargo bike, now at 20% off:

And here are additional coupons you can use [attached to this post], whether or not you're buying a bike. Just click, print and redeem at Rapid Transit. Coupons expire on September 30th.

As usual, the coupons may be used together, but cannot be combined with another discount, such as CBF.

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:-( "excluding folders and recumbents." I have everything else. Well, I also have a recumbent, but it's a homebuilt (hence the handle).
[a little early for NTLBM]

It's time for another sale at Rapid Transit! As seen on their blog this week: Our Economic Stimulus Package.


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