What does everyone do for a living?

I work at a construction company on Ashland and Armitage as a project administrator - where swearing is a way of life, we drink too much coffee, work too hard, and party harder. I also do theatre work, mostly in management, and writing.


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Day time, delivery driver for OfficeMax (Drive a Cargo Van or a Mini-Cooper); Night Time, Under Cover Security Officer some where else.

None of my dreams for the future ever involved work of any kind. :-)
What theatre?

Pete said:
I'm a GeoBio dork. I also work as a technical director in the theatre during part of the year.
I'm a Chicago Public School teacher. Riding = stress relief.
Like a lot of folks, I sit in front of a computer all day. I do design and production for the American Library Association. I commute every day for as long as I can stand it through the winter. My dream of becoming a published writer hasn't completely washed up yet, so I keep plugging away at that when I'm not working or biking. I guess you could say I spend a lot of time sitting on my a$$.
Almost? C'mon, we've well surpassed them. Without a doubt, filthier and bitchier.

M.A.R.K. said:
I clean floors now, and the occasional bathroom.. Doing this I have learned that women are almost as filthy as cats.
I just started grad school for environmental studies and I work at Northwestern at the med school to pay for it.
Civil Engineer here.
I do database research at a humongoid multinational law firm for most of my income. There's free bike parking and my boss and I ride every day, year round, pretty much and are the go-to people for bike education at our company. I also work a couple of shifts per week at a very bike-friendly coffee shop for extra bucks. And I do bookkeeping on a volunteer basis (I LIKE BOOKKEEPING, ED!! I do it for free!) for the national organization of women's flat-track roller derby leagues (WFTDA) and am helping West Town Bikes with their bookkeeping. I also assist at West Town's women's night (first and third Wednesdays of every month!) and I will be co-instructing a Build-A-Bike class soon too. Oh, and I'm an illustrator. Three published books. Design tattoos too.

I like working, apparently. Though next year I hope to ditch the corporate job. We shall see.
Oh even better. I am returning to school after TEN years of living/teaching/ traveling abroad. Damn this is tough! Going into nursing though so it'll be worth it.

Ammo said:
Not as bad as me, I'm starting all over again in school just to get an associates so far.

Anton said:
Photo Assistant. Freelance.

Corinne, could be worse. I'm delaying graduate school. ha.

corinne said:
I am delaying adulthood ... i.e. I'm in graduate school.
Kelly, You are gonna be an amazing nurse!

Kelly said:
Oh even better. I am returning to school after TEN years of living/teaching/ traveling abroad. Damn this is tough! Going into nursing though so it'll be worth it.
I'm a high school student, riveting..I know. My last job was an intern at a a Record Store in Ukranian Village though. Its called Permanent Records, I reckon someone on this here website has been there.
Zoning/municipal attorney. I work for a firm in the Loop representing a number of the North Shore suburbs. I used to work in the software games industry (marketing) but strangely, I like this better. More contact with people and I get to solve problems, rather than selling a product that keeps customers indoors for hours on end.

Dream Job/Lifestyle: Owning a comic book store/coffee shop/bar/bike shop in a Barcelona style-court yard.


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