What does everyone do for a living?

I work at a construction company on Ashland and Armitage as a project administrator - where swearing is a way of life, we drink too much coffee, work too hard, and party harder. I also do theatre work, mostly in management, and writing.


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Oooh, that got me thinking about my own dream job! Starting a thread about it now...

Stewski said:
Dream Job/Lifestyle: Owning a comic book store/coffee shop/bar/bike shop in a Barcelona style-court yard.
I'm a registered nurse.
I deliver pizza for Papa Johns in Evanston. But I want to fly for a living. Just need my Certified Flight Instructor so I can start making some money.
I'm one of the beer experts at Sam's in Lincoln Park. Best job I've had since college. That fancy degree's doing me tons of good.

I also am the primary songwriter and lead singer of a band that just finished recording a demo, and will be starting to gig momentarily.

I've done a ton of theatre around the city as well, some good, some not quite as good.
I edit and write an online reading intervention program for a major publisher.
Austin, do you guys play any gigs around town? Whats the name of your band?

austin said:
I'm one of the beer experts at Sam's in Lincoln Park. Best job I've had since college. That fancy degree's doing me tons of good.

I also am the primary songwriter and lead singer of a band that just finished recording a demo, and will be starting to gig momentarily.

I've done a ton of theatre around the city as well, some good, some not quite as good.
i am a carpenter, i build shit.
I manage a design atelier that focuses on window treatments. I am also in school, and in my last semester and will be graduating in 8 weeks with my BA in interior design! So excited to have my life back soon!
I'm a custom metal fabricator and a powder coater specializing in bicycle frames.
I am a real estate broker and mortgage banker. Sort of a double whammy. It is in fact a very wierd time. I have never been busier, but I have also never done less business. Bicycle is my religion, so of course it is intrinsic to my work. I bike everywhere...and I mean everywhere. My real estate company is a super-bike focused company. We do real estate showings with our buyers on bikes and free monthly bike tours of different community areas in the city. I am building a bicycle library for the rides and for clients that want to try bike showings but have no wheels.

For fun, I am a musician and carpenter and I write.
I am a freelance Illustrator, painter, designer, watercolor teacher(amateur)
I've done pretty much everything from art fairs to private lessons.

And a barista at Lavazza (washington and dearborn).

My Online Portfolio

My Daily Painting Blog
I work for IBC, they own Hostess Cake and Wonder Bread. I do very mundane work there, but its a union gig and I don't work very hard (my college degree is going to waste).

For fun I read a ton of books and write political or finance related letters to the editors of papers and magazines that I read. I guess I like my soapbox.


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