What does everyone do for a living?

I work at a construction company on Ashland and Armitage as a project administrator - where swearing is a way of life, we drink too much coffee, work too hard, and party harder. I also do theatre work, mostly in management, and writing.


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do you have a website for the shop? And is there a Culvers? :))

Primitive Don said:
The shop's in Culver, Indiana, by Culver Academies and Lake Maxinkuckee. There are a number of Chicagoans with 2nd homes on our lake, and that like to ride bikes too.
Our perpetually under construction website is http://www.bikebarnculver.com/

Indeed, Culver's is closing in on us : ) There are two within a 45 minute drive.

What part of Indiana are you from, Wesley?
Really close to Culver actually. I grew up in North Judson.

Primitive Don said:
Our perpetually under construction website is http://www.bikebarnculver.com/

Indeed, Culver's is closing in on us : ) There are two within a 45 minute drive.

What part of Indiana are you from, Wesley?
Howdy neighbor. Small world.

Wesley Dolezal said:
Really close to Culver actually. I grew up in North Judson.

Screen printer by trade, as well as a trained barista from an independent shop and bike mechanic on my spare time. And hopefully soon to be full-time student in @ Moody Bible Institute in Spokane, WA.
Networked Services Admministrator (Portal Admin) at a Private University in the burbs'.

I am actually deploying a huge project in two weeks ><; so wish me luck!

I am also a graduate student at the same University, going for my Masters of Science in Information Security.
Good luck, our intranet blows :/

Richard T. Conley said:
Networked Services Admministrator (Portal Admin) at a Private University in the burbs'.

I am actually deploying a huge project in two weeks ><; so wish me luck!

I am also a graduate student at the same University, going for my Masters of Science in Information Security.
Computer Forensic Examiner

**Stop looking at porn at work
All the best stuff is internal ;)

Yaniv said:
Computer Forensic Examiner

**Stop looking at porn at work
Let me at it! :)

Rico said:
Good luck, our intranet blows :/

Richard T. Conley said:
Networked Services Admministrator (Portal Admin) at a Private University in the burbs'.

I am actually deploying a huge project in two weeks ><; so wish me luck!

I am also a graduate student at the same University, going for my Masters of Science in Information Security.
OK - here is my dream job :

A BYOB bike repair shop where you can drop off your dog / bike for dog sitting and bike repairs.

After hours we have a stage for open music jam.

how would I pay the bills .... Hmmmmm : good question.


Richard T. Conley said:
Let me at it! :)

Rico said:
Good luck, our intranet blows :/

Richard T. Conley said:
Networked Services Admministrator (Portal Admin) at a Private University in the burbs'.

I am actually deploying a huge project in two weeks ><; so wish me luck!

I am also a graduate student at the same University, going for my Masters of Science in Information Security.

Concierge at Hyatt R. and working as an interpreter for the Paris Opera Ballet while in Chicago at the Harris Theatre.


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