I am pretty upset. I had to leave my bike at work today (outside) and it is getting soaked!! I hope it is ok.

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which do you have the 3 or 2 layer? do they go over your shoes?

BK said:
Molly said:
What do you do about your shoes? I wear regular tennis shoes.

https://www.taigaworks.ca/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=65 I haven't gotten a drop on my shoes since I've been using them. Worth the money.

Are there cutouts in the bottoms for cycling shoe cleats?

BK said:
Molly said:
What do you do about your shoes? I wear regular tennis shoes.

https://www.taigaworks.ca/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=65 I haven't gotten a drop on my shoes since I've been using them. Worth the money.
Thanks for the picture. I can see why it would be difficult to describe. I may just purchase a pair. Thanks

BK said:

There is an overlap that goes over the front of the shoe and covers the bottom from the toes to the ball of the foot, I would say. Does that make sense? I don't use cleats so I don't know where they are on a shoe but it might be close. I'll attach a picture here of my shoe inside the gaiter and I hope it helps. I can also bring one along on Sunday's Avondale tour if you plan on attending. Let me know.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

Are there cutouts in the bottoms for cycling shoe cleats?

BK said:
Molly said:
What do you do about your shoes? I wear regular tennis shoes.

https://www.taigaworks.ca/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=65 I haven't gotten a drop on my shoes since I've been using them. Worth the money.


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