What are your motivations etc…

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Leah said,"...and to meet awesome people. everyone knows cyclists are just more interesting."

True dat!! I have a higher respect for anyone that says they cycle. It keeps Chicago clean, my self healthy, and yeah its free!!
I like feeling the wind in my shorts
Its faster than the CTA
I like passing cars because I have my "own lane" and they are crawling bumper to bumper
I had wanted to take up some kind of new physical activity when I moved to the midwest and thought, "oh, cycling will be cheap." Little did I know...

Started riding with Team in Training, had a blast, got in shape, really perked up a lot, enjoyed the physical and mental challenge of the long hauls. The "bike as a vehicle" factor became huge once I moved to the city, and I refuse to drive anywhere in Chicago unless necessary.

I rode RAGBRAI this year as well, which was a great time. I cut back from drinking a lot and just enjoyed the tour, pulling up to random people and having great conversations for a few miles. I'd love to explore more touring rides.
+1 There's nothing I like more than riding by a line of cars stopped in traffic and wondering what they're thinking as they see me go by. :)

2slowT-wreck said:
I like passing cars because I have my "own lane" and they are crawling bumper to bumper
Too true. I have zero patience when trying to get places and with biking I ALWAYS know how long it will take me to get somewhere (except Cubs game add on a couple minutes).

Leah said:
+1 There's nothing I like more than riding by a line of cars stopped in traffic and wondering what they're thinking as they see me go by. :)

2slowT-wreck said:
I like passing cars because I have my "own lane" and they are crawling bumper to bumper
I bike so I don't get $50 parking tickets (like I did today)...I forgot meters are 2 hours not 4!
Pretty much boils down to my love of going real, real fast.

Exercise and social aspects are fine and well, but zooming around through rain, snow and shine rules.
I ride for exercise, so i dont have to pay the cta or buy gas, and for fun.
**FULL DISCLOSURE** I'm stealing Yellow Jello's, with a couple of changes. independence, freedom, joy, fitness (to some extent).
For all sorts of reasons. It is fun. and It saves a ton of money. This past summer I went for two months without visiting a gas station. And It has been months since I have taken the CTA. You can usually go faster on a bike than on a bus. And I have met some interesting folks since I discovered Chain-link. I have been riding a bike for some years off and on now.(they keep getting stolen) and It just never occured to me that there was a biking community. Most of my friends from my Columbia College days (early 90's) have all married and moved to the burbs and started cranking out kids. Nothing fundementaly wrong with that, but I have grown distant from them. I chose to remain in the city, and remain single. so it is nice to know that there are others like me out there.
I've biked ever since i graduated and lost upass privileges. . and regret that i hadn't done it sooner.
I also started biking because can concentrate one painting better when I'm in shape. although i think that's just speculation.
because it feels good. i like that i can go really far away on my own steam. i like that i can go really fast on my own steam. i feel better about everything when i ride.

sometimes its meditation, sometimes its tension release, sometimes its achievement. its always something though.


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