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Woah! I would love to know more about this "barn" Root

root said:

not a whole lot to say unfortunately. I found the images on Cycling WMD

some more from the same..

sorry, not porn. But one handed manuals are cool too...

what the hell is that?
Bob Aganouj said:

Technical illustration homework from Columbia College (i'm a product design major)

-and that white tube bike is horrendous. The should have made all the parts vertical and horizontal tubing; the fork, seat tube, and chainstays look out of place. nice headlight though.

I think the wheels have to be made out of either steel or titanium.
I think that one qualifies as a neat idea but, to me it seems to be relatively useless...Can you imagine the friction off of those wheels not to mention their fragility? Bicycle wheels have been around for centuries and yet the simple layout has remained unchanged, central hub connected via different number of spokes to the rim...Kudos to the guy for ingenuity though...


Dubi Kaufmann said:

I think the wheels have to be made out of either steel or titanium.
This wholesome bike porn is degrading into some sick danish fetish sheet
Ali said:
I think that one qualifies as a neat idea but, to me it seems to be relatively useless...Can you imagine the friction off of those wheels not to mention their fragility? Bicycle wheels have been around for centuries and yet the simple layout has remained unchanged, central hub connected via different number of spokes to the rim...Kudos to the guy for ingenuity though...


I don't think those wheels are physically possible. The front wheel is possible with a lip on the rim to hold things in place although you'd need some really strong and stiff material (e.g. something like carbon fiber but much more damage reistant) for it. For the back wheel, it looks like there's some kind of off axis hub that the frame attaches to, that's really not possible with just spokes.

But hey, it looks high tech and like an interesting concept.


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