you know the drill.. if you can't find it, can't afford it, or can't imagine how you'll live without it - post it here.

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lol, it's like someone gave up on all rational judgment designing that bike.

someone at a recent mass (july?) showed up on something eerily similar to this

without the orca bell though, unfortunately..

dude, that's a zipp 3001 (#1 of my top ten, checkout my list on my page) ... or at least a very similar one with some modifications ... the rear brake (in a carbon cover) is usually installed above the frame near the BB covered by the crank/cover in that particular picture, but this one appears to be either missing or installed below the frame (which is done in some tt bikes now) ... anyhoo, one of the fastest bike evermade, in limited editions of 99 I believe in 2003 or 2004 or something like that .... the other one that root showed is a softride, the company closed or something, but they made bikes with floating seatpost with suspension ... comfortable I suppose, but probably lose a lot of speed w/o the stiffness, but I am just guessing as I've never ridden one ....

evanK said:

Somehow this bike doesn't seem possible. Note the brake, hipsters.
I actually test-rode it the other day - they have one built up at Get a Grip on Irving Park. It's seriously heaven on two wheels...

h3 said:
I think you owe yourself this bike. Tax refund time is only about 8 months off . . .
come on, go for it, go for it . . .

Leah said:
I visit this little guy online just about once a day... seven alaris, titanium.
this is one of my favorites from the bikes that ezra of fast boy fenders put together.

2009 Bianchi Dolomiti

there are a few pictures to oogle at, so i just provided the link.
new brooks saddles in white

Here's a little fixed-gear I've had my eye on for a long time

From the artisans at Rideable Bicycle Replicas in Alameda, CA.
there is a guy who rides CM on a penny farthing with an attachment for his kid. it's amazing.
i am in love with this bike

mister bob said:
Here's a little direct drive I've had my eye on for a long time
fixed that for you!


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