you know the drill.. if you can't find it, can't afford it, or can't imagine how you'll live without it - post it here.

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Thanks Travesty it looks like it worked
Everything on this bike is for sale Campy,FSA,Carbon Frame,Ceramic BB.
Email me for more info & Pics

This frame is for sale as well


root said:
found on fgg.


Krank said:
Thanks Travesty it looks like it worked
Everything on this bike is for sale Campy,FSA,Carbon Frame,Ceramic BB.
Email me for more info & Pics

This frame is for sale as well

i got 50 dollars cash money for the softride. right now. take it or leave it.
Do you care what size it is?

o0_dan_0o said:
i got 50 dollars cash money for the softride. right now. take it or leave it.
Try This Link
The First Picture gave me inspiration

to build this bike in the second picture

Hope my friend Ed doesn't mind me posting his gooooorgeous Corima

WOH WOH WOH, is that a track frame...actually at a track?!?!

I kid, I kid.
Don't kid too much - I've been looking for info and websites for track racing and bikes. Soooo hard to find now, it's all messenger style stuff. (not trying to put down the city track bike riders, just noticing)

Jon said:
WOH WOH WOH, is that a track frame...actually at a track?!?!

I kid, I kid.
This was the bike that Ed White crashed on last year at the Kenosha Velodrome. He got banged up bad, Multiple riders went down, his Corima surrived. Ed was put in the Scout Leader's Rescue Squad and was sent to the hospital. The next week he was back racing on Tuesday night. Thank God he is all right. Ed makes this thing move. When he drops the hammer, she moves around 36-38 MPH.

These are some of the rides I would still like to get. Who knows maybe I will pick up all three! HAHAHAHA. How about that chopper? The Vortex will set you back only $7000. Have to love Ti. Almost as sexy as a Seven or Moots.


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