Hi everyone - I've been invited to display The Chainlink at the Swap and Hop, a swap meet and cyclocross clinic on September 13th. So of course I'm inviting all of you: anyone want to come help me pimp the site? All you have to do is hang out at the table, talk about The Chainlink to interested passersby, and for helping out you'll get a free first-edition Chainlink t-shirt (limited quantity). You can bring your bike stuff to swap as well.

Here are the details:
September 13th
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Illinois Institute of Technology
3241 S. Federal St.

Edited to add: the Swap is in conjunction with the Cyclocross Clinic, hosted by the Chicago Cyclocross Cup. If you're going to the clinic, stop by and say hi!

The Swap and Hop is sponsored by Illinois Tech Cycling and Cycle Smithy bike shop. http://www.swapandhop.com

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Sounds like fun...count me in. Where exactly do you want to meet?
Just to clarify, this event is not associated with The Chicago Winter Bike Swap,-- www.chicagowinterbikeswap.com
Hi Corinne - thanks for helping out! I'll send you a message with details.

corinne said:
Sounds like fun...count me in. Where exactly do you want to meet?
I'll be doing the clinic so I can't help, but I'll be sure to stop by to say hi! -Suzanne Nathan
awww, fuck! i love IIT campus and would totally help out if I didn't have family coming to town :(
For those that have never been to IIT, there's a pretty solid frisbee golf course on the campus. I live only about 3 miles north of IIT so I get to ride my bike to the course about 4 times a week or so.

Now that school is back in session, it's too crowded to go before 4 or 5ish. Unless you don't mind waiting for people to clear (or if you don't mind just throwing and yelling "head's up"). But the weekends are usually pretty clear.

Anyway, I'll most likely get a couple rounds in on Saturday and stop by the table.
So do we have to pay to get in or do we just say we are volunteers?
I'm 99% sure we get in for free... let me confirm. It should only be a matter of me providing a list of volunteers for the booth.

Warren said:
So do we have to pay to get in or do we just say we are volunteers?
Thank you all for your interest in the Swap and Hop. Chainlink volunteers will definitely be allowed in for FREE. I would also like to announce that we will offer a discount to Chainlink members and readers, just say "Chainlink" at the door and it'll only be $3 to get in. We hope to see you there!

Visit www.swapandhop for more information.


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