I'm new to town, fresh from Dallas. I've been here a month and don't really know anyone. I don't go to school and I do freelance work so it's hard to get to know people. I pass you guys in the city every day and wonder if theres a place for bike riders to socialize (out there.)

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You can usually find me @ 55th and Racine.
I would start with one of the local Critical Mass's this coming Friday(Wicker Park, Pilsen or Evanston). That's always a good way to meet new riders. Bring an extra tall boy! :-)
Some of the messengers hang out at the Thompson Center downtown. LaSalle and Randolph.
Go on one of the CCC social rides or watch that "other" message board for Tricks'N'Drinks. LTHforums usually has a social ride every once in a while (some revolve around food).

We should get Leah to plan us a trip to Rainbow Cone :-)
ive gotta say bars suck i sit there watchin a tv i cant hear, drinkin beer i could be drinkin for much cheaper, and am not nearly as comfortable as i could be in my apartment or on the roof of my building which kicks ass. what made you move here from dallas?
I'd have to agree, Rainbo is the place to be!
If you're 21+, check out the Green Mill on Thursday nights after 9pm.
I'm usually involved in the industrial scene so my hangouts tend to be a bit dark and vampirish. (Neo).

Other than that, handlebar I hear is a great bike friendly eat and drink joint in wicker park. I was there once, hungover, but everything was decent. They have lockup space in the front.

I have met a lot of friendly people in Critical Mass. Keep your eyes out for the World Naked Bike Ride here, (in the summer), I met a lot of people that I still see around. It is a very positive and fun event....and you ride your bike, well, naked!
ditto on Handlebar. there's bike parking in back too, which is probably even safer. vegetarian food and a well-curated selection of beer (including pbr) and good stuff from the midwest and beyond.

I'm surprised no one's said Goldstar on division.
yeah that's a good place. Fortunately after that place I cabbed it. I would have been seeing double on the bike lanes. =)

evanK said:
ditto on Handlebar. there's bike parking in back too, which is probably even safer. vegetarian food and a well-curated selection of beer (including pbr) and good stuff from the midwest and beyond.

I'm surprised no one's said Goldstar on division.
Ammo said:
I'm usually involved in the industrial scene so my hangouts tend to be a bit dark and vampirish. (Neo).
Damn, I haven't been to Neo in many, many years... has it changed much?
hah, not really. Except now you can find emo kids on thursdays. I actually have to be there tonight for a partially nude bodypainting exhibit for Metamorph Studios.

vxla said:
Ammo said:
I'm usually involved in the industrial scene so my hangouts tend to be a bit dark and vampirish. (Neo).
Damn, I haven't been to Neo in many, many years... has it changed much?


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