Anyone commute in the winter? Biggest challenge? Necessary gear? Bike maintenance issues?

I am determined to do some commuting this winter.

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Kelvin Mulcky said:
I think it's be easier without dropping +$1000 on a dutch bike.

Well yeah, you do have to buy the bike. But then you'll have a sweet dutch bike.
My plan is to do it again this year. As most of you know, Schwalbes makes excellent, but spendy tires. The markup isn't great, so even wholesale on the studded tires is more than a typical non-studded winter tire.

They're also made in really small quantities, which is why you almost never see high quality studded tires on closeout.

Last year I ordered conservatively and they sold out really quickly, so this year I might do something more or less like a group buy (ie deeper discount to those who commit ahead of the delivery window).

Joe said:
At one point, I believe that J at Tati Cycles in Hyde Park had gotten a deal where Schwalbe Marathon Winter tires were priced at the merely exhorbitant level.

h3 said:
I think I'm going to do studded on at least one bike this year.
Anyone know how to get some sort of group-buy thing happening to get the cost down from ridiculous to exhorbitant?
h3 said:
I think I'm going to do studded on at least one bike this year.
Anyone know how to get some sort of group-buy thing happening to get the cost down from ridiculous to exhorbitant?

I was browsing some sites, and saw that BikeTiresDirect has decent prices on studded tires. Here is a link to their site:

While it appears that the Nokians are out of stock, Schwalbe Marathon Winter Studded Tires are in stock, and offered at $62 per tire.


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