Thanks to whomever left me a chainlink flyer. Mine was the red Haro BMX in front of Barnes and Noble on Jackson in Depaul. I was already here, but I will share the flyer with a needie bike! :-)

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That's awesome - the flyers are working! If anyone wants some flyers to hand out or put on bikes, please let me know. It's actually kind of fun going around and leaving them like little notes on bikes...
I propose people put their name or nickname on the flyer they got and keep the lil flyer going. A recycle of sorts.
You never know where it might end up.
Great idea Loomis! If anyone gets a flyer, write your name and "pass it on!" on it, and pass it on to another bike. Like a chainlink chain letter...?

Loomis said:
I propose people put their name or nickname on the flyer they got and keep the lil flyer going. A recycle of sorts.
You never know where it might end up.
Right ON! :-) Now i need another flyer.... ;-(
I've got tons of them! After this weekend (I'll be out of town), let me know and I'll make sure anyone who wants flyers gets them.

Gabe said:
Right ON! :-) Now i need another flyer.... ;-(
Bring some to critical mass I'll hand them out
I can't make it tonight, but look for Bart - he'll have some. He has a yellow fixie and wears cool glasses. And I'll be back on Monday if you want others just for fun.

Adam said:
Bring some to critical mass I'll hand them out


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