I love to see all these people on bikes on my way home from work. Everyday its like a little parade down Milwaukee ave. Inevitably, I pass most of the other cyclists. But at the next light, everyone i just passed piles up in front of me, taking up the crosswalk and extending into the street. Then i have to pass them all over again. This is annoying.

Other things that bug me on the crowed commute: passing on the right, riding abreast with me when i don't know you, drafting, passive aggressive bell ringing, swerving.

I'm not really a grouch, and i enjoy the sort of laissez-faire nature of bike commuting, but this stuff annoys me.

So is there a good way to bring this up on the ride, without sounding like an ass?

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VD sounds like an insulting moron, and by the fact that he posts his own unnecessary stuff (multiple times a day/week) that needs no reply, I think he thinks this is HIS FORUM, and b/c Kevin makes a valid point, VD is annoyed that he did not post it himself...

Slow riders should stay behind riders (that just passed them) and are waiting at the light, but it is there own right to break the law and challenge the pavement/car hood by blowing the light. By waiting there, the inevitable pass (on small city lanes) is averted and greater safety is created. Kevin I suggest either, 1-you pass those riders and slow down in front of them until they pass you (putting them in the passing lane and into /car lanes traffic), 2- pull up much further in your lane at lights so there is no room for someone to pull infront of you.... 3- Kick VD's ass
Ok, while I appreciate the posts, please chill out with the hostility. We will be dealing with users such that blatantly violate the Terms of Service for this forum in other ways once some things get ironed out. For the mean time, everyone please do whatever you can to ignore the trolling.

I get annoyed too, as I generally obey the rules of the road, but I am always passing people who ride slow, but then disobey road signals (red lights) and pass me. My new strategy is to bike a little slower and anticipate the light changes. If you ride the same route everyday, you can (to an extent) master this. I am a little less aggressive, a little more tolerant, a little less sweaty when I get to work and probably at most 6-8 minutes are added to my 8 mile commute. However, addressing the issue politely is a good policy as well.
Kelly said:
I get annoyed too, as I generally obey the rules of the road, but I am always passing people who ride slow, but then disobey road signals (red lights) and pass me. My new strategy is to bike a little slower and anticipate the light changes. If you ride the same route everyday, you can (to an extent) master this. I am a little less aggressive, a little more tolerant, a little less sweaty when I get to work and probably at most 6-8 minutes are added to my 8 mile commute. However, addressing the issue politely is a good policy as well.
It's better on the knees too; not having to start and stop so much.


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