Hey everyone, I'm new to biking and have an older Schwinn worldsport i just got off craigslist. The brakes are giving me trouble and I'm wondering where the best shop to get them looked at is. I live in lakeview, so somewhere close to me would be great. Anyone have any suggestions? Oh, and how much do you think it will run me? I think they just need to be adjusted, the pads seem to still have life in them.


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What kind of problems? They don't work? Make noise?
when i compress the handle bar brake, one of the pads moves into the bike, but doesn't come back out. I saw some videos on youtube, but their all on newer type bikes, and it doesn't make sense to me on mine.
Chucko said:
What kind of problems? They don't work? Make noise?

when i compress the handle bar brake, one of the pads moves into the bike, but doesn't come back out. I saw some videos on youtube, but their all on newer type bikes, and it doesn't make sense to me on mine.
Probably a simple adjustment. Uptown Bikes on Broadway, just north of Wilson on the East side of the street, or Easy Rider on Lincoln about 2 blocks North of Irving Park should both be able to handle that relatively easily. I do my own work, so I'm not sure what they'll charge, but it shouldn't be much unless you need something replaced. My guess is they just need to be adjusted though.

Joseph F. Johns IV said:
when i compress the handle bar brake, one of the pads moves into the bike, but doesn't come back out. I saw some videos on youtube, but their all on newer type bikes, and it doesn't make sense to me on mine.
Chucko said:
Probably a simple adjustment. Uptown Bikes on Broadway, just north of Wilson on the East side of the street, or Easy Rider on Lincoln about 2 blocks North of Irving Park should both be able to handle that relatively easily. I do my own work, so I'm not sure what they'll charge, but it shouldn't be much unless you need something replaced. My guess is they just need to be adjusted though.

Joseph F. Johns IV said:
when i compress the handle bar brake, one of the pads moves into the bike, but doesn't come back out. I saw some videos on youtube, but their all on newer type bikes, and it doesn't make sense to me on mine.

ya, i tinkered a little with it, but sadly enough, i realize i dont have the know how or the tools to figure it out...which is extremely upsetting...i hate not having the right tools. But anyhow, thanks for the info chuck. Take care.
My advice is to take it to West Town Bikes tonight (see post on main page). They have plenty of knowledgeable people and all the right tools to do whatever to your bike. You only have about 3 hours, so best to do manageable projects each week. But it's great for winterizing (or overhauling after winter), since they have cables and housing for !cheap! and lube and grease and whatever else.

Oh yeah, it's more or less free, but they ask for a 10 dollar donation.
Also, if you're ready for more, I did the build-a-bike class for 7 weeks that shows you how to disassemble and reassemble every part on your bike.


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