Mine is about a 30 mile round trip, from Albany Park to Glencoe. I have to get my riding in during the summer, since my route is basically not ridable in the winter if there's snow. In the winter I just ride a couple of miles to the Metra every day.

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maybe i have super scent but i ride from granville and sheridan in edgewater to the south loop year round fixed but i never have had a smell problem i shower before i leave for work and i never even have to rock extra deodorant which i carry in case...
My commute is about 8 miles from Uptown to the South Loop along the lake. I am moving to Lincoln Square next week and will probably take Lincoln to Wells.
Kelly said:
My commute is about 8 miles from Uptown to the South Loop along the lake. I am moving to Lincoln Square next week and will probably take Lincoln to Wells.

Welcome to Lincoln Square. I do the Lincoln and Wells route almost every day. It's a great ride.
jamimaria said:
Kelly said:
My commute is about 8 miles from Uptown to the South Loop along the lake. I am moving to Lincoln Square next week and will probably take Lincoln to Wells.

Welcome to Lincoln Square. I do the Lincoln and Wells route almost every day. It's a great ride.

What time do you go? We should make a bike train!
I ride 5.5 miles each way every work day, from Noble Square to Craigin. It takes about 25 minutes and sometimes a little extra if there's an errand to run. I shower at home in the morning and don't do anything special when I get to work except to towel the sweat off of my head and face. I do keep a change of clothes in my office (in case I must meet with someone who merits my changing clothes). I come home in the evening and my wife has never, well rarely, complained that I don't smell good. I'm no doubt fortunate that I am the person that established the dress code for my work place.

vxla said:
jamimaria said:
Kelly said:
My commute is about 8 miles from Uptown to the South Loop along the lake. I am moving to Lincoln Square next week and will probably take Lincoln to Wells.

Welcome to Lincoln Square. I do the Lincoln and Wells route almost every day. It's a great ride.

What time do you go? We should make a bike train!

We should! I know a couple of others who do the same commute too!

I go anywhere from 7:30-8

I should ALWAYS go at 7:30, but sometimes I get lazy.
Mine is three miles from Pilsen to the Loop. I ride in the rain, sleet, snow and or any combination five days a week: ) I've been taking State which is not very biker friendly but I think Halstead is boring.
jamimaria said:
vxla said:
jamimaria said:
Kelly said:
My commute is about 8 miles from Uptown to the South Loop along the lake. I am moving to Lincoln Square next week and will probably take Lincoln to Wells.

Welcome to Lincoln Square. I do the Lincoln and Wells route almost every day. It's a great ride.

What time do you go? We should make a bike train!

We should! I know a couple of others who do the same commute too!

I go anywhere from 7:30-8

I should ALWAYS go at 7:30, but sometimes I get lazy.

I ride this route too, to River North. But since I've been leaving pretty late most days lately (I should be out the door by 7:25 every morning but sometimes it's almost 8:00 before I go), I've been shaving a half mile off my route by cutting down Larabee instead of heading over to Wells. Lincoln really is pretty nice for the most part, though it's also where I broke my collarbone last summer. But I guess you have to be careful everywhere.
Dempter/Edens to 18th/Halsted. 35 miles total.
jamimaria said:
vxla said:
jamimaria said:
Kelly said:
My commute is about 8 miles from Uptown to the South Loop along the lake. I am moving to Lincoln Square next week and will probably take Lincoln to Wells.

Welcome to Lincoln Square. I do the Lincoln and Wells route almost every day. It's a great ride.

What time do you go? We should make a bike train!

We should! I know a couple of others who do the same commute too!

I go anywhere from 7:30-8

I should ALWAYS go at 7:30, but sometimes I get lazy.

I leave at 7:30. Would love to participate in a bike train after I move.
I usually leave around 8:30 or 9, but I'd be willing to push it earlier to meet some folks. Usually I do Clark, but have also been doing Clark -> Webster -> Sedgwick -> Division -> Orleans -> Locust -> Wells -> Hubbard lately. That diversion onto Sedgwick is nice!
17.5 miles each way, but I take a longer route than necessary because I'm trying to get miles in.


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