Does anyone know what happened?

Is the biker ok?

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I got this on the CCM listserve:

I know this goes around and keeps on coming around on these listserv's and wanted to share info about this SUV, Bike, Car accident that happened in front of 1328 N Milwaukee Ave today 10/30/08 at 10:45 AM. The biker was seriously injured and blood was all over the place. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital.
While traveling northwest on Milwaukee Ave I observed a SUV that just parked on the southeast side of the street. The driver of the SUV without looking opened the door. The biker?was traveling southeast in the bike lane?attempted?to avoid the open car door but was unable to get around it. Instead he hit the open?SUV door and was thrown into traffic and was hit by a bus also traveling southeast on Milwaukee Ave. Clearly it was the SUV drivers fault for openint the door into traffice.
We all as car and bike riders need to realize that opening a car door into traffic isn't as easy as it use to be. Opening a car door into traffic is inviting accidents to happen. Times have changed and with bike lanes all over the city people parking cars need to be aware of what can happen if you open your door into traffic. At the same time bike riders need to be aware of cars being parked and what may happen if the driver opens the door into traffic without looking. While we see it happen all the time the Illinois Rules of the Road will always fault the driver of the car when the drivers door causes an accident.
The victim of this accident was seriously injured. I pray for his quick recovery. This email is just a reminder of what can happen. Please just be safe, we all need to share the road.
Joe Kopera
Nobody knows if the biker is ok, but thank god nobody on the bus was hurt! That's astounding that there were no passenger injuries considering what the bus collided with!
did you just say that?
I rode by just after this happened. couldn't look. Fuck! things have got to change!

I saw these pictures on facebook. I'd like to find some of those stickers to plaster around.
anyone know who made them?

Gabe said:

I saw these pictures on facebook. I'd like to find some of those stickers to plaster around.
anyone know who made them?
Contact info[at]

I believe another batch of stickers was going to be made soon, but I don't know the status right now.
Christ! I hope they are ok. That's fucked up. I've been doored myself, and it's no picnic, but this case is much worse. I was almost hit by a parker while I was in the bike lane last night as he busted a "oh hey! A parking spot!" without looking or using a turn signal. Ugggh..sometimes I really hate this city for shit like this. I really hope they will be ok.
Go to

Stay safe, wear that squash bucket every time! Lee

I saw these pictures on facebook. I'd like to find some of those stickers to plaster around.
anyone know who made them?Go to
those stickers are posted on all the meters within a 2 block radius in my neighborhood.


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