The Chainlink

We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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Welcome to our awesome, down to earth city!  See you on the road.  What neighborhood you moving to?

Danielle Frament said:

my name is danielle, dani or snips. i'm 22 and i was a messenger in manhattan

this is my baby. her name is lucy

and i'm moving to chicago in a week because i'm sick of elitist bike kid nonsense. just love riding your bike! jeez.

thanks! humboldt park? i think. haha

I can't seem to embed photos, so below is a link to two photos.

This my beast of burden and a photo of me flying a kite in a cemetery in Guatemala (don't worry, it's totally cool do such things on certain holidays in Guatemala):


I'm a commuter and a hopeful tourer (tourist?) someday. My interest outside of biking revolve mostly around hiking long distances with minimal amount of gear, traveling in lesser known places of the world, and photography.

Here is your beast of burden.  I clicked on the second icon from the left above this text box and uploaded it (after I saved your picture to my desktop).

And Bump :)

My name is Ann, I am a mom of two boys - I live in Lincoln Square and work on North Michigan Avenue in Advertising.  I started biking to work some 18? years ago using the baby seat on the back for my backpack.  On and off for many years until about 5 years ago I started biking to work all year round, and found the winter biking was the best (minus the ice, plus the studded tires).  Then 3 years ago I got hit by a boat and was off my bike for a couple years.  This year I am back - trying to bike as much as possible.  I look like I have a fake leg when I ride, but not quite - just lots of metal and velcro :-)

Here's my latest bike:This is me - that is Mt. Etna too:

This is me in the winter:

My son is a pedicab operator now, and I've made sure he knows how to be a great bike I guess it's in the genes.


Welcome to chainlink.

James More said:

Homeless vagrant with college education, who camps in a tent and rides a bicycle every day, all year, publishes book for success story



In 1971, our principal teaches us how to fold the flag for a disciplinary lesson rather than discourage our education and stand in the way of our future, so this happens about 40 years ago, and in 2012, I present a hardbound copy to my first grade teacher, whose name is Mrs. Paris same as in the story and she is very old and frail, and she opens her eyes and she asks, what year do I teach you, and I must think for a moment before I say, like in 1962 about fifty years ago, and she says, my how time flies, and I concur, yea it sure does.  


And here Mrs. Paris I have this book that I have written and I want you to have this because you are one of my mentors and you have taught me my ABC's and you can see here that I have used all of them, ABC all the way to Z and every letter in between so I am giving you this book for a present, and I hand her a hardbound Raise the Flag.


She looks at the cover and then hugs my book while she says, "This is the most beautiful book I have ever seen."  


And I say, and the author has to leave.  He has many stops yet to go and he does not want to be crying in front of his first grade teacher, again.



This one, you will like to look at the covers, front and back, and better yet, read, about the progression of writing and value of education in the life of the author—yours truly.

I am the author of Raise the Flag doing some promo, myself, rather than wait for moss to grow beneath my feet and mushrooms to sprout between my toes.


Raise the Flag is available with a generous wholesale discount and a return policy.


Raise the Flag has six stories under one cover, and with this email, I am attaching marketing photos and other information, and I am available for book signings and presentations.


Raise the Flag is available on e-book for only $3.99, which is cheaper than a sad fast food meal, but without the sodium, so check out the stories, and please notice that I insist the print be large enough so I can read the stories without my glasses so not to blind any readers, and Raise the Flag has an attractive front and back cover, with window posters available for promo.  

Raise the Flag by James More

Soft Cover ISBN 9781468537925 Retail Price $14.95

Hard Cover ISBN 9781468537918 Retail Price $23.99





Leah, I think we might be kindred spirits...used book stores?  i've never found anyone else with my random hobby :-) although I am not from the south.  happy to meet you!

Leah said:

Hi, I'm Leah. This is me in real life (on the left):

I ride these:

I'm originally from here:


And now I live here:

And work here:

In my day job I do marketing for a software company. I love to cook, wander used book shops, listen to modern folk music with some house music sprinkled in, explore new areas of Chicago and go on really long bike rides.

end of the year bump up!

Hey, I'm Todd, bicycle hoarder from the far west burbs. I have a thing for 80's road bikes. I also have a thing for other stuff from the 80's, 70's, 60's, 50's, 40's, 30's and beyond. Obsessed with treasure hunting at garage sales, thrift stores, flea markets, curbs, etc.




Pic'd below is my Gunnar Rockhound, me at a swap me last winter (left), my Miyata 610,







Name: see user name

Born and raised: Thrillmette

Age: 36

Live: West Loop

Work: Downtown Evanston

Occupation: Project Manager/Draftsman (aka CAD-monkey)

Years bike commuting: 5

Daily commute route: Des Plaines -> Kinizie -> Dearborn -> North -> LFP -> side street my way through edgewater, rogers park, and south evanston into downtown evanston. ~14.5 miles. reverse route in the afternoon.

Favorite food: Pizza - Pequod's/Lou's for deep dish, Marie's for thin crust.

Favorite band: Steely Dan

Favorite TV show: The Simpsons

Favorite film: Caddyshack

Favorite cocktail: Whiskey, One cube. Or out of the bottle when near fire.

Politics: Moderate Extremist

Religion: Agnostic Fundamentalist

Interests (other than my full-on bicycle obsession): beer, kayaking, camping, skiing, architecture/urban planning/city development, ditka..... ditka..... polish sausage..... ditka.....

My Rides:

2010 Motobecane leChampion SL Ti (my fair-weather pony):

2011 Scott SUB 10 (my foul-weather/winter beast):

2007 Dahon Speed P8 (my "I don't want to street lock my ride" bike):

And here's a pic of yours truly upon completion of a 900 mile LEJOG tour across Great Britain two summers ago. This pic is at John O'groats, the northernmost tip of mainland Scotland:

Hello my name is Bryan I live is rogers park and I work down in lincoln park at New Balance I ride and 1980's Peugeot Fixed gear


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