We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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shouldn't this conversation be better suited in the bike porn thread???? Let's see how many CL babies are born in the next year. Contest anyone?? Of course the baby's name should rhythm with a bike part. I can't think of any off hand.

Fallon said:
sounds like an offer...you should hit that up reddog!
Julie Hochstadter said:
Cliff, Reddog-I think you are in the right place to look for a non squeamish woman!

currently single, The women I meet seem to be very Squeamish (dont like camping) and they only want men with money and a "future"
frank the crank
jim the rim
chad the brakepad
randall the pedal

i'm outta 'regular' names but here are some not so common names-
rocket the sprocket
teal the wheel
akbar the handlebar
jem the stem
clay the chainstay?

good thing i dont do this for a living.

Julie Hochstadter said:
shouldn't this conversation be better suited in the bike porn thread???? Let's see how many CL babies are born in the next year. Contest anyone?? Of course the baby's name should rhythm with a bike part. I can't think of any off hand.

Fallon said:
sounds like an offer...you should hit that up reddog!
Julie Hochstadter said:
Cliff, Reddog-I think you are in the right place to look for a non squeamish woman!

currently single, The women I meet seem to be very Squeamish (dont like camping) and they only want men with money and a "future"
Give me some chorus lyric and I will put some music to it from the piano.
Absolutely Howard! ;-)

And as for Big Red being lighthearted...Hells yeah he is! ;-) He's a Dope guy! ;-)

h3 said:
Gabe said:
Big Red, you know i love ya and would bang ya in a heart beat if i swung that way, still love ya though! ;-)

Ooh ooh, I love "I'd bang ya if I swung that way."
Can I play too?
of course I take it with a grain, if not the whole shaker of salt. Quite frankly I am suprised at all the responses this generated. Unfortunatly for those who practice the love that dare not speak its name, I only swing the hetro way, but do not have any fundemental problems with folks who do not. And I really like the kind that will come and fix up your house.

M.A.R.K. said:
One can only hope that Clifford(or Cliff as most folks call him)is as lighthearted as he looks and takes this all with a grain of salt.

Fallon said:
sounds like an offer...you should hit that up reddog!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Cliff, Reddog-I think you are in the right place to look for a non squeamish woman!

currently single, The women I meet seem to be very Squeamish (dont like camping) and they only want men with money and a "future"
I hope your shoulder is feeling better. Getting struk by a crazy woman is not good, to put it mildly. I didnt know the state allowed her to drive.

Gabe said:
Absolutely Howard! ;-)

And as for Big Red being lighthearted...Hells yeah he is! ;-) He's a Dope guy! ;-)

h3 said:
Gabe said:
Big Red, you know i love ya and would bang ya in a heart beat if i swung that way, still love ya though! ;-)

Ooh ooh, I love "I'd bang ya if I swung that way."
Can I play too?
Ok, I am really just having fun and did not mention woman belong in the kitchen ? I mean, sometimes they do but in general my opinion in men are better cooks so I think they belong in the kitchen myself and yep, I had to look up the word 'misogyny' because my vocabulary is really not up to par these days. And I can only sum up the MALE end of Humanity or may I say MALE 'Human Nature' in a few lines, Violent, Destructive, Mean, Immature and ready to crush the weak. Ok, I do not include every MALE person in that statement, there are many men who express a passive nature but they are a minority in my opinion. I mean when was the last time we saw over 1 Million woman drop into France to push back Hitler ? 250,000 woman marching into Iraq ? Was it a woman who gave the orders to invade ? Is it woman in Africa who kill there own people or raid ships ? Do woman rape men, cut off their privates and kill children to have a little fun ? Is it woman who want to push out and kill the Infidel in the name of Allah ? Do you see woman being prosecuted for war crimes or tagged as dictators. I mean I could go on and on and of course there are exceptions but they are a a tiny fraction and those types of woman are more like men in nature anyway or just doing a mans job. When was the last time you saw a chick cop who did not look and act like a more like a man than a woman, or a chick road flagger in a skirt. I am gonna just say now to anyone who reads this that IF I gotta be tagged a hater it is MENS actions, not WOMANS that I grow to hate. I think riding a bike has neither been typically a mans or woman activity so I cannot include these thoughts to include this demographic unless of course you are toting guns. Does anyone know in WWII then the Japs took Malaysia and then Singapore many of them were riding bikes.

"The fall of Singapore was a humiliation for the British government. The Japanese had been portrayed as useless soldiers only capable of fighting the militarily inferior Chinese. This assessment clearly rested uncomfortably with how the British Army had done in the peninsula.
The commander of the Australian forces in Singapore (General Bennett) later said:
"The whole operation seems incredible: 550 miles in 55 days - forced back by a small Japanese army of only two divisions, riding stolen bicycles and without artillery support."
Also people, especially you woman out there who may wonder about where the hell I am coming from. I must and want to add, just because I personally attract messed up woman (or people in general) does not mean all woman or (people) are messed up. It only means I am messed up in the same way. Birds do fly together. I accept that fact and embrace it with all my heart because I think I am having more fun than most people these days, at least in my own mind. Life is a real gift and I have seriously learned to love it. I tell who drives to to ride a bike and set the example by living it. That is why I like this site so much, I think we are all of like mind in one way or another and this is our common ground. Dig the snow and DONT' let anyone skew my writing by adding things I did not actually say. I am here to have fun while I am programming in Excel. Thanks !
hi: John, introduced to this network through craigslist bike forum ... work in downtown chicago, live in Andersonville ... bike use is for work commuting and city errands/ transportation for trips 10 miles or less ... BS in chemical engineering currently working in the environmental cleanup field ... a couple of photos ...thanks:

The state should not allow her to ride a bike let alone operate a motor vehicle. I didn't take my pain pills so i could be functional this morning...I'm home now and took one first thing...Nite nite ;-)

Reddog said:
I hope your shoulder is feeling better. Getting struk by a crazy woman is not good, to put it mildly. I didnt know the state allowed her to drive.

Gabe said:
Absolutely Howard! ;-)

And as for Big Red being lighthearted...Hells yeah he is! ;-) He's a Dope guy! ;-)

h3 said:
Gabe said:
Big Red, you know i love ya and would bang ya in a heart beat if i swung that way, still love ya though! ;-)

Ooh ooh, I love "I'd bang ya if I swung that way."
Can I play too?
cutifly said:
Also people, especially you woman out there who may wonder about where the hell I am coming from. I must and want to add, just because I personally attract messed up woman (or people in general) does not mean all woman or (people) are messed up. It only means I am messed up in the same way. Birds do fly together. I accept that fact and embrace it with all my heart because I think I am having more fun than most people these days, at least in my own mind. Life is a real gift and I have seriously learned to love it. I tell who drives to to ride a bike and set the example by living it. That is why I like this site so much, I think we are all of like mind in one way or another and this is our common ground. Dig the snow and DONT' let anyone skew my writing by adding things I did not actually say. I am here to have fun while I am programming in Excel. Thanks !

I also want to add I think anyone convicted 3 times for violent crimes against people or animals should automatically have a lobotomy to calm them down.
It's Hydrocodone! And I hadn't realized that it was the meds but yeah my system was confused by the day off from pills.


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