We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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el duke FTW! it's so awesome you are on here.
I'm Paul-Brian. I'm a prof in the sociology dept. at UIC. I moved to the Midwest four years ago (can't believe it's been that long) from NYC. I'm fairly new to Chainlink, but find it more useful than Facebook.

I don't have any pictures of my rides. I ride to work from Hyde Park, mostly up the lakefront. Otherwise, you'll find me riding the trails. When I'm not riding, I'm tend the community garden plot, cook, involve myself in various food projects, play hockey, go to shows, listen to all sorts of music (mostly punk and indie), read, and browse book and record stores.
Damn Deadhex, You're Dreamy!!! ;-)

DEADhex said:
I am a Mike 9000

This is Yuri, my 08 Cannondale Capo
So the First one is me with the Fam-O...Wifey; Imelda. Cousins; Jason and Matthew and the BEST KID IN THE WORLD my Nephew Mark.


Number 2 is me with two of my best dudes :-) Moby and Adam:


Number 3 is my fav ride my Haro BMX:

Bike The Drive

Number 4 is my winter ride a GT ZUN that I beat the crap out of:

My New Ride
root said:
el duke FTW! it's so awesome you are on here.

Ah shucks, thanks!
Hi Mark - Thanks for introducing yourself and posting in the Forum! Your post was brought to moderator review. I'll contact you off the boards for more info. Thanks!


M.A.R.K. said:
Ws my post removed from this thread? I have a sneaking suspicion that it was.. Why?
hEya! My name's Eric (also) and I guess I'm sporting a bit of a dual identity when it comes to the sport/lifestyle of cycling, but without a doubt I'm one of the luckiest guys on two wheels around these parts.

By day, I am the director of the Tour de Cure here in Chicago. I work downtown for the American Diabetes Association and commute by bike from the place where Cubs' dreams go to die. For 2009, we'll be hosting the Grand Geneva Tour de Cure and working with Team Diabetes at Bank of America Bike the Drive. That's me on the right.

Our riders are great - we moved to the open roads in Geneva last year and everyone was gung-ho, despite the course being windy and challenging. We raised a quarter-million dollars for diabetes programs and research! I'm very fortunate to be associated with such an amazing collection of cyclists.

When I'm not working on Tour, I'm proud to be on the management team of Burnham Racing (previously vitaminwater-Trek and Team Clif Bar), a group of fun-lovin', high-life drinkin', gear-smashing racer-types who will not hesitate to ride your face off for uprade points and a free gift certificate to Chili's. We've got some amazing sponsors, Trek Bikes on Michigan Avenue, SRAM, Craft, Bontrager, Clif Bar, CycleOps and Whole Foods, among others. It sounds crazy to say, but most of us race between 40 and 50 times a year - it's a massive committment, but I've seen more of the Midwest than I ever would have otherwise. I mean, who doesn't want to be bombing across an Iowa cornfield in 90 degree weather in July?

Cross & Commuter rig: 08 Trek XO2

Road rig: 08 Trek Madone 5.5

I'm no pro, but I get lucky once or twice a summer...

photo: ed white

I'm always happy to answer any questions about Tour or the racing scene around here.

Hit me on the Chainlink or at goodwin5311(at)gmail!
hi, i'm julie. just a girl who likes bikes.
i look like this:

(image by Jen Schuetz)

i race mtb and am a co-founder of Half Acre Cycling and am a licensed USA Cycling race mechanic and official.
i have several bikes for several reasons: a fixed S&S couplered Jonny Cycles for battling evil, a Rivendell Atlantis for chasing pixies, a spot mtb for running from trolls, and a 3rensho track bike for riding on rainbows.
i love pickles.
Nice seeing you Julie!
Oh you are so HOT! ;-)

DEADhex said:
Gabe, i totally sexy myself up for you :P
yeah, i've been a bit of a hermit lately. credit to ben's cx season...

vxla said:
Nice seeing you Julie!
What kind of ice cream are you eating in that pic? It's very RED.

Julie Popper said:
yeah, i've been a bit of a hermit lately. credit to ben's cx season...

vxla said:
Nice seeing you Julie!


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