What does your family think of your life as a cyclist?

I'm mostly a city commuter and I know my dad is nervous that I am going to get hit by a car while I'm biking. I explain to him that more people my age are killed in car accidents than bike accidents.

My 7 year old suburban nephew thinks I'm cool cause I don't use my car often. He is quickly becoming a bike fanatic too!

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Hey Julie, where's the house and where in Skokie (hometown baby! ;-) I love knowin what route peeps take in the burbs. My buddy Moby is now a Skokie bike commuter as well! ;-)

Pete said:
I'm happy to report that my cousin has also started commuting by bike! Hurrah!

Julie Hochstadter said:
I'm happy to report that my dad has started riding to work two days a week from his house to skokie! So proud of him.
Mom just reminds me to wear my "brain bucket" (e.n.t nurse). Got my brother to start commuting in Florida and this year he riding RAGBRAI. He went from no bike to 2400 miles in 6 months. Helps when you live where it is warm most of the year and pancake flat. ....curt
My family was concerned for safety at first, but they kept their concerns to themselves for the most part. I think that after thirty years they have finally realized that I am going to do what I think is best no matter what their opinion is, that is until a couple of weeks ago when I was hit by a car, I started hearing more about it then. Although, when I asked them "if they ever got in a car accident, would they stop driving?" they pretty much stopped bringing it up.

I guess I can call it supportive through not being negative.
My republican father in-law has rode critical mass and loved it! He wishes us Happy Friday on the last Friday of every month since.
My family was all fine (though worried) until last week. I got tagged by a car in Northbrook. Suffered a separated shoulder from which I am still healing.

Worst part of the accident was dealing with all the family being freaked out that I'd been hit. Will have to see what happens when I'm able to ride again, but they're all going to be nervous as all get out I'd bet. I'm going to have to check in with my wife the second I arrive safely every day or she's going to be a nervous wreck.

Otherwise, most people just think I'm nuts for doing a 40m round trip on my bike daily.
My family used to park me on top of a hill duck taped seated backwards on the handlebars pushing me ever so gently watching the momentum gain slowly at first all the while laughing and calling me a poor excuse for a biker.

East Highland Park. He takes the Green Bay Trail through the Botanic Gardens, then through Northfield by Happ Road. I plan on riding with him some morning soon (arg, leave at 6 am though) and can map it out for you. Funny, my dad is concerned about how I'd get Old Orchard Mall back to the city. Too cute! He knows I ride on streets but doesn't like it,

Gabe said:
Hey Julie, where's the house and where in Skokie (hometown baby! ;-) I love knowin what route peeps take in the burbs. My buddy Moby is now a Skokie bike commuter as well! ;-)

Pete said:
I'm happy to report that my cousin has also started commuting by bike! Hurrah!

Julie Hochstadter said:
I'm happy to report that my dad has started riding to work two days a week from his house to skokie! So proud of him.
My dad does the same thing! I think I will have enough bike lights for the rest of my life. I think my parents thought I was going through a phase, but ten years of riding and a new line of bike bags later, they've pretty much resigned themselves. Actually, they've started biking themselves to the grocery store in Des Plaines! My mom wanted to ride with one of my bags. :)

LeslieB said:
My mother secretly hates it for fear that I will get hit by a car. The good thing is that she always suprises me with new safety gear when I see her.
Mama who lives in an east coast suburb which offers no transit and is absolutely not bike friendly cannot fathom riding around everywhere, let alone distance rides. My ma's neighborhood doesnt even offer sidewalks for a stroll. So many places, car is the only option.
Waking up at 5:30 to join my 63 year old commuting dad for the big ride to his Skokie office (13 miles from HP)! Must go to sleep now.

Julie Hochstadter said:
I'm happy to report that my dad has started riding to work two days a week from his house to skokie! So proud of him.
They think it's par for the course. Probably prefer it over the blades I sported for 5+ years...the bike makes me more normal.
My wife is often nervous about my bike riding, but might be even more so if she actually experienced my days on the bike. Everyone that rides all the time knows exactly how it really is. The recent accidents to some of the greatest folks in our community underscore this, but you experience in every decent-length ride throughout the city.....death and mayhem are close if you aren't careful, and sometimes even when you are. I built Chaney up a lovely blue sparkly Raleigh Sport 3 speed with my trademark over-the-top vintage parts and some much needed help from the fine folks at Boulevard Bikes with the hopes that we can get our dual trailers going with the kids once Zoe turns one.

DW has insisted we wait until then, and I have not argued. She is also strongly against riding in the streets with the kids, which I fully understand as well, so for at least a while, we are likely to be bike trails, my bike tours and CCM only where there is safety in location or numbers.

In general, DW is fully suportive of my cycling efforts and dedication to cycling, much as she has been with everything in our lives together, but I know she worries. It creates an interesting dilmena of not wanting to lie to her, but not wanting her to know the truth for fear it will make her worry more, as my biking is too integral for me to give it up.


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