Ammo: barefoot = gorilla. Nobody got it, he was even asked if he was a character out of the time machine
damn, really? my fault, just assumed from the face of the thing - never seen a gorilla with a long nose like that - ha - still awesome
hahaha. he had to cut some of the mask off to see out of it. drunk biking and a gorilla mask hiding your vision could be bad. I can't wait for the next ride. Miniskirts wont be in my agenda.
L. Jerome said:Ammo: barefoot = gorilla. Nobody got it, he was even asked if he was a character out of the time machine
damn, really? my fault, just assumed from the face of the thing - never seen a gorilla with a long nose like that - ha - still awesome
Thanks for the shout out L...I'm going to have an issue with that skirt on the Critical Mass halloween ride..My knees were freezing. ;-( On the upside I've been raving about what a good time that ride was...really well done for our intrepid organizers. ;-)
Gabe said:Thanks for the shout out L...I'm going to have an issue with that skirt on the Critical Mass halloween ride..My knees were freezing. ;-( On the upside I've been raving about what a good time that ride was...really well done for our intrepid organizers. ;-)
indeed - im going to switch up costumes for critical mass - it's too darn exciting that i get to dress up twice for halloween this year
awesome video I am the only one that speaks
it was definitely a blast... i threw together another video if you care to take a gander - it's darker on youtube than it was on my comp, but oh well, im obviously quite the amatuer...i ran out of beer way too early, i think ill have to switch to firewater next time, dont have to carry as much weight - the weight to fun ratio will be much better
you guys had some great costumes - nurse joker was genius, gabe - and ammo's zombie was way more detailed and awesome than i expected, bonus points for the decorated chopper - oh yeah, and the bigfoot costume was great, i need something hairy like that - good work to all
can't wait till the next ride
Martin Hazard said:Glad everyone had a good time. It is edifying to know that our work was appreciated. PJ was a big help on this one, and there is always cooperation within the Council Of Elders to make these rides happen. Hope to see you all next month.
So, seriously, nobody has any tips for how to drink successfully for hours on end?
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