I started a new group on this website for the intersection between bikes and yoga. Although Jewish, I'm a regular practicer of yoga and am an interested in how it does or could improve my biking and energy. Please join the group if its interesting to you!

Anyone know of a yoga studio that has a cycling specific yoga class? Or, a cycling group that practices yoga together? I know they do it in Portland...

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I know a yoga instructor that did a few yoga/cycling classes last summer. Basically a group ride on southside to a yoga studio followed by some cycling specific yoga. I'm not sure if she's still doing it though.
Awesome!!! I love both Yoga and Biking!

It would be awesome if a regular class was formed specific to biker needs.

*Joining Now!
I'll email her and see if she's still doing it.

Abby said:
Awesome!!! I love both Yoga and Biking!

It would be awesome if a regular class was formed specific to biker needs.

*Joining Now!
Wow, thanx for posting the packet by Kathleen. Its great! I already downloaded it and plan on trying it later tonight. Where did she teach in the past?

amos said:
A friend told me about a yoga teacher here in chicago, Kathleen Ellis who made a program for cyclists but I'm nor sure if she's teaching it at this time


I would be up for this type of thing. (although my mom is a yoga teacher I'm
ok i have to put my foot down here.

doing yoga while cycling is NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE.
Kathleen currently teaches at Moksha Yoga Center on Tuesday nights and Saturday afternoons... maybe at Yoga View or other places as well. She's a great teacher and it is clear that cycling affects her practice.

Suzanne said:
Wow, thanx for posting the packet by Kathleen. Its great! I already downloaded it and plan on trying it later tonight. Where did she teach in the past?

Kathleen currently teaches at Moksha Yoga Center in Lakeview on Tuesday nights and Saturday afternoons. She's a great teacher and it's clear that her practice is affected by cycling. She may teach at other studios too... I 'karma yoga' at Moksha so I only practice there.
One sad fact I have noticed is that some yogis look down on other forms of physical exercise and think that cycling is bad for the back, joints, etc... so they elect to drive everywhere. As if that was healthier.

Suzanne said:
Wow, thanx for posting the packet by Kathleen. Its great! I already downloaded it and plan on trying it later tonight. Where did she teach in the past?

I knew I could feel my ears burning. :) Glad the book is getting some use! S sent me a link to this site, which I didn't know about til yesterday. I didn't do any yoga for cyclists workshops this summer, but we could definitely do one in the next month or two. If there's enough interest (really just a few people is "enough interest" to me..) maybe one for people new to yoga and one for more experienced yogis. Second Nature is a nice space nearish to Lincoln Park and it's easy/cheap to book some workshop time there.

As soon as I figure out how I'm joining the new Velo Yoga group. :)
I'd be interested depending on price and such!

kathleen said:
I knew I could feel my ears burning. :) Glad the book is getting some use! S sent me a link to this site, which I didn't know about til yesterday. I didn't do any yoga for cyclists workshops this summer, but we could definitely do one in the next month or two. If there's enough interest (really just a few people is "enough interest" to me..) maybe one for people new to yoga and one for more experienced yogis. Second Nature is a nice space nearish to Lincoln Park and it's easy/cheap to book some workshop time there.

As soon as I figure out how I'm joining the new Velo Yoga group. :)

root said:
ok i have to put my foot down here.

doing yoga while cycling is NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE.
I'm definitely interested in a yoga for cyclists class. I haven't been much in the last few months, but I love the bikram yoga classes at Om on the Range. For a long time I went three times a week, every week. omontherange.net They had a yoga for runners seminar a while back , but nothing for cyclists as far as I know.

The best way yoga improves my biking is by making me more chill when people pass too close!
Hey Ashley, I want to keep the price low on this workshop cuz it's a concept that's very dear to me and I think it's so good for anyone who wants to try it. The workshops I did last year were 3 hrs long and cost $15 or $20 with no one turned away for lack of funds. Basically if I can cover the expense of renting the studio (usually it's a nominal fee, $20-$30 for a workshop, something like that) I'm happy.


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