Word is that Obama's election night party will be right here in Chicago, outdoors at Millennium Park/Grant Park. Anyone interested in massing up for that?

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I'm pretty excited that there is going to be a huge gathering. I bet that they'll make bikers use bike valet though. I just hope we're not disappointed.
and now we are all invited by Daley himself!
Dubi Kaufmann said:
done, got myself in.

btw - lets hope this doesn't turn into 1992, but it sounds like CPD is gearing up for it.
CPD is gearing up for a major riot. See the 1992 Bulls championship party.
sounds like its gonna be a clusterf@#k
All CPD are on duty that day, all vaca and off days were cancelled. The presence will be CRAZY! My wife is likely going I have no interest. If Obama wins it will be insane, if Obama loses it will be Riots...And the cops know this.
Willy, great minds think alike. A while back I posted this Election Returns Roll About on the calendar here, but I didn't see your thread on this topic until now.

Consider joining us on the Roll About, or organizing your own Mass and combining with ours at some point in the evening.
i wernt gunna come anyways!

h3 said:
Well, you hoosiers aren't invited anyways :-)

o0_dan_0o said:
sounds like its gonna be a clusterf@#k
*BUMP* I'm riding downtown to Grant Park tonight. I'm not going to the ticketed portion but rather the unticketed portion. I'm riding from Rogers Park. Does anyone want to ride with me?


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