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courtesy of blogger Erik K
hahaha I love Palin and McCain's
I think comparing John McCain to a pennyfarthing is an insult to the bike...

M.A.R.K. said:
If Mccain were a bike, i'd vote for him..
Here's a real candidate bike. As reported on

"Would you like a cleaner environment? Ride bike. Would you like a Democrat in the White House? Vote for Barack Obama. Or, mash the two together with this Obama bike that just hit eBay. The bike is designed by activist Dan Funderburgh and his renowned Obama print. This bike isn’t just a print — there is only one and it is up for bids on eBay (guess where the proceeds go). For those of you bikers the specs should be rather pleasing. Have a look on the auction page. Happy bidding."

Here's a link to the ebay auction.
well I was about to five-oh-one those ebay peeps, until I realized that my parents screwed me with being tall, and an early voter. Just my PSA vote early and build bigger bikes.
I don't like that it makes Obama look very expensive, uncomfortable, prone to failure under unusual load, and not useful in day to day life.
I thought this was Obama's bike:

Too small, uninflated tires and with his seat way too low.


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