Anyone interested in The Art of Wheel building Interactive Discussion?

My shops personal wheel builder will be speaking on the science wheel of building. He has built thousands of wheels for a variety of uses. There will be many wheels on display for your viewing pleasure. Listening to him speak about wheels is quite inspiring. I will be joining him at Lovely Bake Shop 1130 N. Milwaukee Ave. Thursday Oct. 23rd 7 pm. Anyone interested in coming by?

The bake shop is not charging me for this event, but all attendees are expected to at least support the coffee/bake shop. What do you think?

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me and a guest!
2slowtrek said:
me and a guest!

thanks 2slow. the cafe seats 36 so please feel free to invite more.
Can we get a discussion about building a wheel for a geared bike? IMHO, discussions of building wheels for single speed/fixed bikes does not discuss dishing in enough detail.
vxla said:
Can we get a discussion about building a wheel for a geared bike? IMHO, discussions of building wheels for single speed/fixed bikes does not discuss dishing in enough detail.

hello there vxla. this discussion is about wheels, hubs, bicycles, bearings and so forth. Even the posted photos show a set of cassette wheels with ultegra hubs. I've made no mention of single speed or fixie in the post. please do come by as this discussion is for every cyclist.

Thanks for your post.
vxla said:
Can we get a discussion about building a wheel for a geared bike? IMHO, discussions of building wheels for single speed/fixed bikes does not discuss dishing in enough detail.

P.S. if you want to learn more about dishing. Stop by my shop. I can give you a tutorial about it. I've done hundreds and could have you dishing like a pro in about an hour.
Hey Ron, thanks for the clarification on your focus. Apologies, I'm not looking at images right now due to being at $work.
Hope everyone had a great weekend. If you're not too busy this Thursday, please join us at Lovely Bake Shop 1130 N Milwaukee Ave. 7pm. This is a FREE event. It will only be about and hour or so. Drinks and pastries will be available for purchase. Free WI-FI.


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