It's warm in Chicago in October! Hope you all are taking advantage of it! Rode to the Botanical Garden and back today with some friends, was an awesome time! We don't get that many perfect fall days around here, so go out and enjoy the weekend! Supposed to be nice tomorrow too.

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Went out to Fermilab via the IPP, then on to the Fox River trail, saw the Fabyan estate (which is awesome), then up to Geneva and took the train home. ~60 miles home and back.
I was, until I got caught in all the post Chicago Marathon road blocks =(
It was a great wekend. Had to work both days, but snuck out early Sunday and got a nice 70 miler!!! Borgeous out there!
Beautiful riding! Group ride on Saturday. My first every cross race on Sunday!

I went to Madison for the weekend, on the Van Galder bus, which will throw your bike in the luggage hold for an extra ten bucks. Rode all over the trails here and spent some time perusing the frames in the basement at Revolution Cycles, in between bouts at the eastern regional roller derby tournament. And a friend gave me his old, huge messenger bag when mine threatened to burst at the seams. What an awesome weekend.


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