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holy moly, did you just get that?!?
Haha, that's great. What kind of bike and what kind of lock?
No, unfortunately I do not ride a Colnago. I found it on . Here is the backstory:

"al gore would likely be pleased hear that marc in san diego rides his bike (a vintage blue colnago) to work in the mornings. a certain evangelical bike messenger, however, was less than impressed. marc says he’s since ditched his old cable lock. 'after this note taught me the error of my ways, i now keep my bike inside where it’s safe.' "
I just saw a nice fixed gear with quick release wheels locked only by the front wheel. I didn't have a pen, otherwise I would've left a note similar to this one.
people like that shouldn't even be riding a bike. I saw one guy (riding a hideous mountain bike, rock hopping, dork jumping bike). He actually locked his bike to the handle of a newspaper box. I should have taken a picture.

Rebekah said:
I just saw a nice fixed gear with quick release wheels locked only by the front wheel. I didn't have a pen, otherwise I would've left a note similar to this one.
The bike was obviously a pipe bomb and the dork-jumper was obviously a terrorist.

Ammo said:
people like that shouldn't even be riding a bike. I saw one guy (riding a hideous mountain bike, rock hopping, dork jumping bike). He actually locked his bike to the handle of a newspaper box. I should have taken a picture.

Rebekah said:
I just saw a nice fixed gear with quick release wheels locked only by the front wheel. I didn't have a pen, otherwise I would've left a note similar to this one.

Tommie said:
The bike was obviously a pipe bomb and the dork-jumper was obviously a terrorist.

Ammo said:
people like that shouldn't even be riding a bike. I saw one guy (riding a hideous mountain bike, rock hopping, dork jumping bike). He actually locked his bike to the handle of a newspaper box. I should have taken a picture.

Rebekah said:
I just saw a nice fixed gear with quick release wheels locked only by the front wheel. I didn't have a pen, otherwise I would've left a note similar to this one.
On campus, with our friends bikes, we would steal the front wheel and leave a love note. They knew us though...I won't leave mine outside PERIOD. Someone could get my rear HUB and bank big cash...
There's nothing passive about that note. Or maybe it's passive since the messenger didn't actually steal the bike?


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