The Chainlink

Oct. 31 is the last Friday of the month. What are you guys dressing up as? I think I'm going to go as a cow. Mooooooo.

Or we can all each dress up as an individual chainlink. Har Har.

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not positive yet, i have the supplies to be a lakitu - went over well the first halloween i whipped him out

tough part is that you've got to get a new cloud every time, but it's totally worth it

talking about it wants me to revive him again

I'm gonna dress up as a responsible adult and not go break the law that night. Woo!
I was going to make this same thread but thought I'd wait till it got closer, way to beat me to it.

I vote chainlinks ;o)
The mental image of people dressed as links made me chuckle
I'm going to dress up as a girl in a UHAUL moving to her new apartment.

I'm a loser.
my udders are way hotter than those, but please dont try to milk me. it'll only lead to uncomfortable and compromising situations.

h3 said:

If I can ride with them, chainlinks sound great!
I have worn the same road kill costume for the last 8 CCM Halloween rides. It would be cool to come up with something new this year, but I can never think of anything better - truth be told - I love my roadkill suit. For years I wore it to the Auto Show Shutdown Festival, check out video of ASSfest 2006:

Like the cow and the road kill my costume will be animal related too. I am going to be dressed up as a Jonah.
ok, there is a slight chance I can make it to CCM, otherwise I will do this at the Maurauder's ride.

Since I have a chopper, I thought it would be fun to dress up like a zombie like the flick, Chopperchicks in Zombie Town and ride my wicked chopper.

I don't know if people check the events calendar but there will be a Halloween alleycat.

Friday 10/30
162 N. Desplaines (Haymarket memorial)
7pm reg.
8pm start
I know a lot of people will be doing critical mass but this also starts downtown if people want to toot around with mass for a bit and then race.

Saturday 10/31
666 N. Orleans
2pm reg.
3pm start

You can do one race or both.
People who have never done an alleycat before are welcome to race.
You don't have to bring a bag or a lock but it might be a good idea.
OK, that cracked me up.

vxla said:
I'm gonna dress up as a responsible adult and not go break the law that night. Woo!


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