Oct. 31 is the last Friday of the month. What are you guys dressing up as? I think I'm going to go as a cow. Mooooooo.

Or we can all each dress up as an individual chainlink. Har Har.

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B-O-R-I-N-G !!!

(but I know you were joking).

I'm gonna dress up like carl from West Town Bikes and stop at all used car lots and make lots
of purchases, I wanna be like carl....

notoriousDUG said:
OK, that cracked me up.

vxla said:
I'm gonna dress up as a responsible adult and not go break the law that night. Woo!
The revival of this thread foiled my plans to take advantage of people's short memories (when drunk) and wear the same costume again.

Oh well. What gives?
I'm thinking about getting a flightsuit and going as Iceman. I thought it be fun telling people that their "dangerious" and their "out of control up there"
My ninja outfit from last year was a disappointment and I couldn't figure out how to use the sword while riding.....and I gave my nunchucks to Ammo at the Porn ride in Feb. I like yellow jello's idea from last year of being a chainlink.
Trappist monk. Beer (empty), Haircut, & all.
I will be the invisible man on the invisible bike. Yes, it is sarcasm. Have a fun and safe ride.


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