Root and I met a lot of chainlinkers at this month's Wicker Park Critical Mass. It was an awesome ride and one of the best birthdays I have had...Now I am left wondering who I spent it with... and does anyone have pictures?!?!?!

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Berserker Cocktards Wicker Park Critical Mass Redux? I missed the original BCWPCM and won't be able to make it today either, but thought I'd give this thread a bump since it is indeed First Friday!
I intend to go. Although the weather promises to be very cold and snowy tonight. (19 degrees F and one inch of snow) If anything I will tool around for a little bit. we shall see what will happen.

Willy said:
Berserker Cocktards Wicker Park Critical Mass Redux? I missed the original BCWPCM and won't be able to make it today either, but thought I'd give this thread a bump since it is indeed First Friday!
It was very cold. (18 degrees F) Only two people were there tonight. Myself and a gentleman named Payton. The ride was a short one. Just 1.4 miles to the Handlebar.

But it can be put on record as happening.
Hope you guys had a good time at the H-bar.

I might just bolt down to WP after work next month because Evanston has been me for the last two months. Though I do enjoy my route home.

Reddog said:
It was very cold. (18 degrees F) Only two people were there tonight. Myself and a gentleman named Payton. The ride was a short one. Just 1.4 miles to the Handlebar.

But it can be put on record as happening.
Damn skippy! Didn't snow at all during our ride (not our shortest!). Glad I went to the H'bar, though, since I ran into several other people there.

We'll ring in the New Year on 2 January...

Reddog said:
Myself and a gentleman named Payton.
Sorry I missed it! :-(
will you be making it to midnight marauders?
unlikely ;-( but i see the specialist on Thursday to find out what the MRI says.
Which part will you rub? ;-) It's my shoulder...Can't reach, pull or lift...YAY! ;-)
I had the MRI, I find out the results on Thursday...Wifey isn't signing ;-( Love ya anyway Howard! ;-)
hey, who's in for this coming Friday? RSVP for the event:
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