Root and I met a lot of chainlinkers at this month's Wicker Park Critical Mass. It was an awesome ride and one of the best birthdays I have had...Now I am left wondering who I spent it with... and does anyone have pictures?!?!?!

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the world didn't end.

too bad i already have obligations, otherwise i'd hang out with the bums with you.

Gabe said:
I Didn't see an event posting for Wicker Mass- but that won't stop me from hangin out with the bums while I hope other bikers appear! See ya Friday! (the world could end tomorrow... If it does/did then disregard this message.) ;-)
Hell I'm gonna go, see you guys there
Right on Ammo see ya there!;-)

Ammo said:
Hell I'm gonna go, see you guys there

Here is the link for the pics taken at the Berserker Cocktards Wicker Park Critical Mass November 2008 ;-)
I am renaming last night the Cocktardical Berzerker Soco-Thai Hypothermia Ride
I do love my Soco ;-)

Ammo said:
I am renaming last night the Cocktardical Berzerker Soco-Thai Hypothermia Ride
I really need to get a Friday off I want to do a critical mass ride and hang out with other riders.
Yeah you do! ;-) by the way still waiting on the other thing...dude hasn't given notice yet :-(

Stickfiguredanny said:
I really need to get a Friday off I want to do a critical mass ride and hang out with other riders.
wow - sorry i missed this one... looked like a grand time - grander than usual in fact... what a fool i was to put an anniversary dinner first - never again, chainlinkers
dang. hehehe. theres always marauder's next week!

L. Jerome said:
wow - sorry i missed this one... looked like a grand time - grander than usual in fact... what a fool i was to put an anniversary dinner first - never again, chainlinkers
It was my first WPCM. I had a lot of fun. and I was not really all that cold. Perhaps when sitting still of course, but once we got moving I was fine.
our numbers were small. but the spirit was great.
Cliff, you are awesome! ;-)


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