John Greenfield, a fellow biker who led the perimeter ride last month needs some help. Let's help him out!

"Folks, I'm looking for people with bike trailers and cargo bikes to help
me haul my things from Humboldt Park to Garfield Park, about 2 miles,next
Saturday, October 4. We'll meet at my place at noon. I'll provide
coffee and doughnuts beforehand, beer and pizza afterwards. I don't have
much furniture - no couches or anything - and we'll be moving stuff mostly
from my ground floor to a second floor, so it should be pretty easy. Please
contact me at if you're interested in helping out.

Thanks! John Greenfield

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Darn it! After seeing youtube videos of similar in NYC, I've really wanted to take part in something like this! Alas, I will be playing softball at that exact time. Hope it all goes well, I'm sure it will if lots of cyclists are involved.
I can not help, but would lend a trailer to anyone who wants to: It's a modified Burley, and will mount on any axle (i have adapters for both bolt-on and QR.) Shoot me a message. I'm in Irving Park - near Kimball and Montrose.


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