Backflips and Backflips 2.. And Dangerous Dave and Brutal Bob. If you know of a good free paperboy game online please do post it. the ones i have played were terrible.

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There was a Keirin arcade game. Its emulated on MAME, but the name escapes me.

edit: its this game
That's the Saturn version but its emulated on MAME.
Do you know of an emulator for Paper Boy? Damn, I'd like to find one!
vxla said:
Do you know of an emulator for Paper Boy? Damn, I'd like to find one!

there are those dave mirra bmx games, though I haven't played them. plus, one (or a few) of the tony hawk games have bikes now.
oh and california games, lol

There was this one game from the PS2 released in maybe 04 or 05 called downhill domination. It fell pretty quickly into obscurity, but i played the demo a whole bunch. It was(as you may have guessed) a downhill mountain biking game centered around racing, but it was very over the top and cartoonish. You could punch other riders and throw water bottles at them, do tricks game but i don't know how easy it would be to find a copy.


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