I haven't but my wife was. Door opened in the parking lane on Belmont near Racine. Knocked her off her bike and into traffic, a car slammed its brakes an stopped just short of her (helmetted) head. She has a deep scar on her shoulder. E.T. said she was lucky, they've seen bikers go through the window of an opened car door before. I've always been most nervous when riding on Wells in the loop because of the big El supports.

Any stories? What % of us have actually been hit or injured?

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I've had 2 nasty crashes and lots of near misses in 25 years of bike commuting in Chicago. The first was from a person who doored me an caught the frame on the down tube. I did an endo and the frame was totaled. The driver went around me and drove off.

The second was sort of my fault, riding too fast for conditions (had a tailwind). I was in the bike lane on Lincoln right near John Barlycorn's, The traffic was backed up for 2 blocks, somebody in a tall van was nice enough to let a guy turn left in front of him. I hit the guys 1990 Geo Tracker at about 18 mph. I snapped off my carbon fiber fork, quite a loud bang. Thankfully the handlebars (always make sure you have caps in your handlebars) got between me ant the car and cushioned much of the impact. My chest was hurt the most, I could not swing a golf club for about a year.

There were literally 2 cops standing on the corner and they arrested the poor guy. He did nothing wrong really, but he had no drivers license or insurance, he spoke no english, and was not in the country legally.

Tiberculosis is absolutely right, stay down till somebody tells you to get up. In my case they took me to the emergency room and kept me for a 24 hour observation period (you thought your job was dull, try observing me for 24). Total cost $11,500 listed in hospital bill, 6,500 paid by my insurance. I had to pay $500 for the ambulance ride.

I have been a much more safety conscious rider since. I did not notice how much till I started riding to Fire games with Gabe!

Weird note: in an emergency room they cut off you cloths. I lost my favorite bike jersey that day.
hit once by someone, ran into someone. that makes 2


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