I saw that there wasn't a thread dedicated to CM!

I'm sure this probably wont apply for most on this board, but just in case anyone is still not aware of critical mass: This is a really fun event to promote awareness of bicycle culture and the importance of sharing the roads. The ride happens the last Friday of every month. Here is a link to the Chicago ride site: http://chicagocriticalmass.org/.

I am interested in everyone's agenda in riding. I know some riders out there (like me) are in it for the fun and camaraderie of it all...anyone do it for another reason?

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WoW, so I was at work since 9 am and I'm glad that some good discussion seems to have taken place. On the CM list serve I got a response from a woman named Kathleen that told me "if I see a cork I should ride by cause I don't have the head for it." Yutz...She was responding to my comment that next time we should just drag the guy out of the car and kick his ass...Which also got the "fonzie statement" response....Which I enjoy but is inaccurrate since Fonzie didn't fight, but i get the jist...greaser like...Anyway...I'm half kidding and half not in regards to the statement...Why you ask? Well our society counts on the fact that a criminal, in this case the cager that hit Dave on purpose, has some sort of fear that if you behave badly there is a repercussion (control 1). And that if a criminal is caught after he breaks the law anyway, we as non-criminals have faith that the Police will respond appropriately (control 2). Now if you remove the first control then you get this guy hitting Dave with no fear of repercussion at all. And if there no faith by us, the non-criminals, that the police will respond in-kind, then you get honest people turning into vigilante's.

I hope that everyone has had a few of whatever calms you cause i know I have, as for that Kathleen chick, she can suck it...Most of the peeps that know me in reality know that I have tha ability to stay calm under pressure but can respond with force as needed...And sometimes it is needed...It's kinda gotten to the point where if you say you might hurt someone everyone freaks out. What if I had pulled the guy out of the car put him on the ground and placed my knee in his neck. I can claim a citizens arrest and deliver him to the police myself since Vehicular Assault is a class 3 felony. Do you think having a knee in your neck hurts? Sure...Do you think that being hit by a car hurts more? I bet it does...So i place my knee in his neck while waiting for the police to teach the nut job that hitting people with cars is not acceptable...That's life. I'm gonna go post this to the CM list serve and see what kinda trouble it causes...

P.s. there was a lot of un-needed corking and there were quite a few first timers...But I really think there was just an odd vibe.
TWO DAYS LEFT!!!!!! Who is planning to ride? Who is wearing a costume? Weather.com is predicting clear skies with a high of 65 and a low of 45...sounds like a winner!!!!!
My costume is still drying! but I cant wait! ! ! see you all there

Abby said:
TWO DAYS LEFT!!!!!! Who is planning to ride? Who is wearing a costume? Weather.com is predicting clear skies with a high of 65 and a low of 45...sounds like a winner!!!!!
I am redoing the zombie theme if we can move all our belongings fast enough. damn uhauls.
I'm coming sans costume, because I'm lame like that
definitely going to be there - can't miss it, especially since the streets will flood with spooky cyclists

going to ride right to a halloween party after - cant imagine a better pre-party
Obligatory zombie. GRAAGH! BRAAAIIINZ!
Ashley said:
I'm coming sans costume, because I'm lame like that

What about this?

and Eric this?

Bikefreeek said:
and Eric this?

Oh no, count me out of Lawless Friday's; I've sworn off from CM, prolly for good. But I did go as another ghoul this year:
I was actually thinking about that earlier today, I think I pitched the cape though, and I'm not sure what I'd wear under it to be extra warm....we'll see

Bikefreeek said:
Ashley said:
I'm coming sans costume, because I'm lame like that

What about this?

Ill be a ninja.


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