2015 REI Palos Meltdown!

The 9th Annual REI Palos Meltdown will be held on Sunday, August 9, 2015 and promises to be even bigger and better than our previous events.  The 2015 event will include:
•A BRAND NEW course:  You have been asking for more single track and we will be giving you just that!  Our brand new trails will be dedicated and open on race day.  Be one of the first to reap the benefits of the hard work of the CAMBr trail workers.
•DEMO Day:  On Saturday, August 8, 2015 when you pick up your race packet, stop by one of the 5 demo trucks and test ride the course on a brand new bike.  SRAM, Specialized, Giant, Niner and REI will all be joining us for this event.
•Expo:  Meet new vendors and reconnect with old friends at our race day expo. 
•Races for Everyone:  With categories from kids to beginner to expert, the Meltdown offers fun for the whole family.

Register now at http://palosmeltdown.com/registration  and visit http://palosmeltdown.com for all other race details!!

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Awesome work on the new trails and cant wait to see it!  Is Palos safe to ride now or is it still waterlogged?

Everytime I visit the CAMBR website all I see is red red red...

Thanks!  The new trails are really exciting and are soon to be open.  This has been a difficult summer so far for riding dirt.  We have trail crews working weekly to help get things dry.  A few days without rain and things will be good.  The new trails are mostly hand bench cut on a side slope, shed water well and dry very quickly.  The 2015 REI Palos Meltdown will be on the new trails.  Hope to see you there.

Thanks for the reply and the extra info.  Definitely hope to race that day and super excited to see the result of all your hard work.  The new trails sound really effective!


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