*2012* Chicago Critical Mass Calendeur - Event Dates Needed

Need 2012 dates by 11/20/11. See below for what's listed so far.

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"correct my mistakes for the CCM Calendeur" = Calendar

Sorry, I'm being a spelling nazi.  But thanks for all the work you've put in on this, it's very useful to us all.

I'm very dense.

 And I have internally geared hubs on all my bikes.  What is this 20th Century "derailleur" thing you speak of?

In elementary school, I won almost every Spelling Bee I was ever in.  For me, spelling "variances" jump off the page and smack me in the head like a brick.  It's a blessing; it's a curse.  And, like a fart in a crowded elevator: impossible to ignore, but sometimes hard to know if socially acceptable to point out. 


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