End of Summer Rental Bike Sale! All 2009 Bikes Must Go! Up to 50% OFF! Hundreds of bikes to choose from, all in great condition!

$50 non-refundable deposits will be accepted beginning TODAY.
Please call 312-729-1000 ext. 0 to make a deposit.

Bike pickup dates are September 15 to October 31.

To purchase a rental bike please come to one of the following locations:

Millennium Park Bike Station: 239 E. Randolph, 9am-7pm, 7 days per week
Tel: (312) 729-1000 ext. 0

Navy Pier: 600 E. Grand Avenue, 9am-7pm, 7 days per week
Tel: (312) 595-9600

North Avenue Beach: 9am-7pm, 7 days per week
(773) 327-2706

Price list is posted on the website: http://bikechicago.com/bikesale/

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While not an authority, shouldn't this be in "Marketplace?" And for other reasons, should this be anywhere at all?
I thought someone might be looking to purchase a new bike and not want to spend a lot of money on one.

Kevin Conway said:
While not an authority, shouldn't this be in "Marketplace?" And for other reasons, should this be anywhere at all?
i received different info from calling in than on the web site regarding pricing/availability. i guess we just need to go in and take a look-see?
Yes, you can go in. If you go in you can pick out the exact bike you want.


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