This past weekend, I rode 20 miles - the farthest I've ever gone. I started biking last year, but most of my work has been indoors, on a trainer, trying to build my endurance and my legs. I rode 20 miles Saturday, and only stopped because I ran out of trail and didn't know which way to go. This weekend, I hope for more! Thanks to everyone for their advice.

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Congrats Dana! That's awesome. You're going to be tearing up the road sooner than you know it! :)

P.S. you'll have to share before & after pictures when you're ready!
awesome! congratulations!

Next time, when the trail runs out, turn around and do it again!
Very cool!
Yay! Good job, now of course, you're committed and will want to keep doing more and more and more, alienating all of your friends and co-workers.

j/k, keep up the good work.
oops! too late! :)

Homebuilt said:
Yay! Good job, now of course, you're committed and will want to keep doing more and more and more, alienating all of your friends and co-workers.

j/k, keep up the good work.


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