19th District Chicago Police Recovered 104 Stolen Bicycles

104 Bicycles along with many other items were recovered when they arrested a prolific burglar this week. The Police are planning on displaying the bikes in order for the public to claim their stolen property from 8-5 pm next Monday through the following Friday. And from 8-Noon next Saturday. The Police Station is located at 850 W Addison, Chicago IL 60613.

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WOW.  Nice find, thanks!

And do we know if they will be utilizing the chicago stolen bike registry?

Bravo. Thanks, Paul.

How did they know  they were stolen?  God forbid the cops ever see the inside of my garage.  They might think they have found another prolific bike thief.

But I save a printout of every bike I've ever bought, as well as write up a bill of sale for all the ones I've sold. I keep track of all serial numbers too. The ones I've fished out of dumpsters and alleys might be harder to prove provenance.   

+1 on the popo using the CSBR.  Hopefully there will be a few matches!

@ James Blackheron to answer your question, they are making an educated guess on the 104 bikes being stolen based on these facts.

Early last week a citizen walked into the Police Station to report his golf clubs which were stolen last month were being offered for sale on Craigslist. Detectives looked into the case and asked for a search warrant for his apartment. They were denied the search warrant. They questioned the seller but were not able to proceed. The seller then began to cyber bully the detectives who questioned him via Facebook. The detectives were then able to obtain a search warrant for his residence in order to seize his computer when they entered they saw over 300 unopened FedEx,UPS, and USPS parcels.

At this point the US Secret Service decided they wanted the Computer the Postal Inspector became interested in the Parcels, it was determined that the suspect was a Chinese National, ICE, and Homeland Security are interested, then it was further figured out that one of the laptops in his possession belonged to the Defense Department, so the FBI decided to get in line as well.

In the mean time based on all this information the detectives were able to obtain search warrants for three storage units that the suspect had rented and found the bikes. Along with many other stolen items. They have been able to close roughly 30 theft cases so far.
@ Julie yes they are still working on gathering all the serial number but they are going to reach out to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry. They frankly have two garages, and 7 jail cells worth of property they are still going through.

This must be the stupidest and most self-entitled crook ever.  Was his last name Blagojevich by any chance?  This dude HAD to be related somehow...

So he knew he was guilty of many serious crimes and had stolen property at his house and other rental storage places in his name -and still decided it would be a good idea to harass the cops online who already had him in their sights for a theft rap?


"I've got this thing -and it's ****** golden!"

Looks a lot like this thread and this thread. I've spoken with the Detective in charge. We're working on it. And not to put too fine an edge on it, Mr. Liu is being described as a suspected "fence," not a thief.

No longer thought to be a fence. As they have video of him taking the parcels.

Is there a new article on this story?

Paul Bracht said:

No longer thought to be a fence. As they have video of him taking the parcels.

ah.... thanks for that catch.  I was starting to think that CPD was succeeding in numerous stings.

Kevin C said:

Looks a lot like this thread and this thread. I've spoken with the Detective in charge. We're working on it. And not to put too fine an edge on it, Mr. Liu is being described as a suspected "fence," not a thief.

No new story yet I am sure there will be. I sit on the 19th District Advisory Committee and we had a meeting with the commander this evening where these developments were brought to light. Sorry for duplicating the thread but the previous threads did not have the info about the publics opportunity to claim there bike.

Thanks Paul. Did you get any sense of how they've been publicizing the viewings? There was also one on Tuesday, the 20th from 9-2. Det. Sodini needed to speak to a superior about getting permission to have non-CPD people inventory the bikes. They seemed a bit overwhelmed. I'm still waiting.

Paul Bracht said:

No new story yet I am sure there will be. I sit on the 19th District Advisory Committee and we had a meeting with the commander this evening where these developments were brought to light. Sorry for duplicating the thread but the previous threads did not have the info about the publics opportunity to claim there bike.


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