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What this ad need is more pictures of the chrome stainstays!

Damn I wish this was my size

One more picture of the chrome, 


I love the shot of the chromed dropouts and the spring-loaded adjuster bolts. 

What is the rear dropout spacing?  126mm?

It is actually spaced at 130mm.  It was set up with campy 8 speed.  I wanted to keep it but I got a hold of another frame I've wanted to for a long time so this one has too go.

James BlackHeron said:


I love the shot of the chromed dropouts and the spring-loaded adjuster bolts. 

What is the rear dropout spacing?  126mm?

I should also mention that the frame was aligned by a professional a couple of weeks ago (an $80 value) and has never been crashed.

130?  WOW.  This frame  is ready to go then -which makes it a really good deal for someone who wants a top-flight frame that only needs to be built up.

A deal considering the fact that taking any old frame to UV Metal Arts for a refinish is going to cast you half of this to just powdercoat, more if needs straightening or other repairs, and then you still need to put on decals if you want.  Finding a frame of this caliber to refinish with the money left over from the finishing (not even including decal/detail work) is going to be nigh impossible.

Those chain stays look classic..
Thanks for indulging me.

If I only:

  1. were not such a Raleighphile
  2. hadn't just picked up an early 56cm 1970's Raleigh Competition frame
  3. was looking for more racy geometry instead of more sport-touring/rando

I'd snap this frame up in a heartbeat.

I mean, you can't even come close to this price in this category from somewhere like VO, Surly, or the like.  Heck, I  think you could only beat this price with a new  chromo steel-framed  bike new from someone like Nashbar -and that isn't even close to this league.  

I don't understand why you're comparing a Merkkx to VO, Surly and Nashbar...

Search for "Columbus SLX" and you'll see loads of Basso, Tommasini, Gios, Colnago, etc, all for about the same price.



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