Peripheral Vision For Bikers in Glasses form: Would this Work

So I am blog person and I found this concept design for bikers on one of my many blogs. Pretty much they are glasses that will allow bikers to see without having to turn. What do you guys think?

oh here is the link that explains the glasses way better than I did:

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Kudos to the guy who designed it but I think it won't be useful for me and here is why;

Human eye can only focus on about 2 degrees of 180 that is available to us. The rest of the vision is simply peripheral. Now there is 3 types of Peripheral vision zones, far-peripheral, mid-peripheral, and near-peripheral. Far peripheral is the vision that is farthest from the center of our vision and cannot detect objects it simply detects motion and it even does that poorly. If what Nike claims is true these glasses will put an extra 25 degrees into your far peripheral vision. And there lies the problem, you will still need to turn your head to focus on the object to see if its a yellow cab closing in at 40 mph or if its a newspaper truck that is stationary.

Will these glasses make you safer on the road? Not in my opinion...Will they make you look cooler? Now that is open to discussion. But I would much rather have my Oakley's with near perfect clarity then cheapo Nike plastic lenses anyways...


I studied a bit of neuro-prosthetics in grad school and my immediate thought on this was the training/practice required for it to actually become beneficial.

Personally, I think (if it does what it says it does) I would just be freaking out a lot more, since I habitually scan my surroundings while riding and this just adds to the number of possible moving things I will notice.
I agree. I am always checking, checking, and rechecking when biking. Based on their model, you would have seen that car anyways because you would have looked a block ahead to see what you would be up against in that intersection. None of us ride with a locked, straight ahead, stare. Some glasses aren't going to prevent me from turning my head or looking over the shoulder. Maybe we'll call this one a half million dollar idea. ;) Save your money and spend it on your ride instead.
reminds me of the mods for FPS games that allow you see in a 360 panoramic.. most likely more disorienting than helpful

Working for an opthamologist's office I see a couple problems with this design.

Will you be able to purchase it with prescription lenses inside it? I don't believe a frame like that would be RXable in any basic lab. Would be ideal for contact lens wearers.

My other issue would be a fishbowl affect. Wrap arounds like that I always see patients having issues with adjustment. Practice would be needed before jumping on your bike and getting hurt. Like first time progressive wearers.

If anything, turn your head. Interesting concept.
I think its a pretty cool idea as I ride so fast that turning my head slows me down J/k
It could be practical with enough practice/use with them, but I would like to know what the side effects might be. Ever heard of this?
OMG!! That is absolutely ridiculous! hahaha

2slowtrek said:
I think its a pretty cool idea as I ride so fast that turning my head slows me down J/k
It could be practical with enough practice/use with them, but I would like to know what the side effects might be. Ever heard of this?


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