I saw that there wasn't a thread dedicated to CM!

I'm sure this probably wont apply for most on this board, but just in case anyone is still not aware of critical mass: This is a really fun event to promote awareness of bicycle culture and the importance of sharing the roads. The ride happens the last Friday of every month. Here is a link to the Chicago ride site: http://chicagocriticalmass.org/.

I am interested in everyone's agenda in riding. I know some riders out there (like me) are in it for the fun and camaraderie of it all...anyone do it for another reason?

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I'll be there; south side of the picasso. Someone more responsible should have a sign or something.

I'll just chime in with my own personal reasons for enjoying critical mass...
Riding a bike in the city is stressful and hard; I always feel like I'm fighting for and clinging to whatever piece of asphalt I can get my tires on (and then trying to adjust accordingly when doors come flying or delivery trucks force me to go around). CM is a (relatively) nice, happy fun way of blowing off that steam without causing too much real damage.
On top of that!: it's a really interesting study in group dynamics and decision making. Are you a leader or a follower? If all the sheep in England were jumping off a cliff...
We're all individuals!!! but we're all in it together!!!
Which bridge are we jumping off? I will go second, I just want to make sure the water is still warm.

I will see you all later.

evanK said:
I'll be there; south side of the picasso. Someone more responsible should have a sign or something.

I'll just chime in with my own personal reasons for enjoying critical mass...
Riding a bike in the city is stressful and hard; I always feel like I'm fighting for and clinging to whatever piece of asphalt I can get my tires on (and then trying to adjust accordingly when doors come flying or delivery trucks force me to go around). CM is a (relatively) nice, happy fun way of blowing off that steam without causing too much real damage.
On top of that!: it's a really interesting study in group dynamics and decision making. Are you a leader or a follower? If all the sheep in England were jumping off a cliff...
We're all individuals!!! but we're all in it together!!!
Thank you Evan. I also find it quite fastinating to see what a mass of people can do (when its peaceful and no windows are broken). No other time are bikes "leading" in the street that we share. It's quite liberating. There is a reason that for many its the ONLY organized bike ride they do in Chicago. If I have a minute at work today I will make some sort of banner but not promising that and probably will wear my new chainlink shirt that Leah gave me (thanks). For Halloween we gotta think of some cool outfits!

evanK said:
I'll be there; south side of the picasso. Someone more responsible should have a sign or something.

I'll just chime in with my own personal reasons for enjoying critical mass...
Riding a bike in the city is stressful and hard; I always feel like I'm fighting for and clinging to whatever piece of asphalt I can get my tires on (and then trying to adjust accordingly when doors come flying or delivery trucks force me to go around). CM is a (relatively) nice, happy fun way of blowing off that steam without causing too much real damage.
On top of that!: it's a really interesting study in group dynamics and decision making. Are you a leader or a follower? If all the sheep in England were jumping off a cliff...
We're all individuals!!! but we're all in it together!!!

4.5 hours and counting!

any hopes and dreams for tonight's route?!??!
Hi everyone, I was planning to go but work is kicking my ass and I can't get out. I'm bummed because I was hoping to meet up with all of you guys, but also because I was going to hand out Chainlink flyers (those little bookmark-things). Is anyone able to swing by my office at Canal & Van Buren to pick them up and hand them out at CCM?? I would really appreciate it!!! Being trapped at work sucks!!
Yo! Get your negativity out of my thread dude.

This is a Happy Friday, so save it for tomorrow please...

Video_Drome said:
vxla said:
DEADhex said:
How is that "distasteful" its not like it is some private information. License plates are for identification. They are committing a crime by doing this, shouldn't someone at least point out their flubs. I would take a pic of a plate number for any other crime as well. So how is this any different?


So like i understand this isn't the place but I just wanna say Vxla, you're an asshole. Just so you know, Dead Hex will NEVER get an argument from me because guess what, I've met Dead Hex in person and he's a pretty cool guy. You on the other hand, are an elitist motherfucker who I could've cared even less about, untill i saw that post. You are someone who is always going to get an argument from me no matter what. Regardless of whether or not i know you in person. Now i just know that you're a shit talker, and an asshole. So yeah, happy friday, asshole.
I'm hoping VD will be banned by the end of this weekend. Everyone else, please stay interested in making this a successful forum.

VD, if you have issues that you'd like to address with me, please be an adult contact me via email (as can be seen on my profile page).
Not cool Video Drome, not cool at all. Just curiou, are you trying to get kicked off the site? I had a great time at mass tonight and now I come home and read this....
Not to be a broken record, but American Roads were paved as a result of lobbying by bicycle groups before the first model T ever rolled off the assembly line. Paved roads were made for bikes and later adapted for cars (in law and infrastructure.) In that time, bicycles have been marginalized on American roads and we have all been sold this bogus idea that cyclists are guests granted with the privilege to use the roads that are paid for with their tax dollars. Critical Mass is a reminder to motorists and cyclists alike of the sheer 'MASS' of the movement. It serves as both a demonstration and support group of and for the millions of us who are tired of being treated (often quite inhospitably) as guests in our own house. The nature of the relationship between those in power and those marginalized has always caused tension when the latter rises up. If you look at the issue in the context of a power struggle, the reclamation of roads by bicycles is an inconvenience to cars in itself. Motorists feel that Critical Mass is a threat because it IS, at least to the cars free reign of the road. The tension is inherent in the effect of the movement, not just the demonstration. The alternative is for cyclists to accept auto-centric legislation and infrastructure for the sake of not rocking the boat. Massers don't see this as an option. The ride was fun yesterday. I saw some chainlinkers I recognized and probably alot that I didn't.

Video_Drome said:
What better way to gain positive attention to bikes then BRAKING (haha) the laws!!!!
CM is fun, no doubt about it. 300 drunk people riding bikes is a good time. But what leads me to think that CM is actually detrimental to the cause is simple and down right obvious: running reds, corking streets (like every damn one) and basically being rude and obnoxious to other drivers. Just remember, its a ROAD FOR CARS, we're just simply guests, and as guests we should take our shoes off and not get mud on the carpet.

DEADhex said:
Hey Mike, too bad Am and I didnt see you.

Yeah, bummer. You guys have costume Ideas for Octobers Mass? We should get together for a beer sometime soon.
There's no signs on it. Making it illegal to ride on certain streets would require changing an entire portion of Chicago's municipal code which states that riding bicycles on sidewalks, if you're over the age of 12, is illegal.

City Council is too busy doing nothing!
Riding across the bridge across north avenue is a little crazy, but if you go fast (25-30) it's not so bad.
There are two usual situations: either traffic is backed up and you don't have to worry too much, or traffic is moving and moves super fast. If you're concerned or want to ride slow, you can certainly wait 30 sec for the light to stop traffic before you head over.


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