Zion Camping...the sequel


Zion Camping...the sequel

Time: April 30, 2011 at 7am to May 1, 2011 at 7pm
Location: Illinois Beach State Park, Zion, IL
Event Type: camping
Organized By: Kellie
Latest Activity: May 2, 2011

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Camping up in State Park in Zion!  We will meet around 7 AM Saturday April 30 and leave from there.  Hopefully, get there in the afternoon and enjoy an evening under the stars.  See ya then!



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Comment by Brett Ratner on April 28, 2011 at 3:45pm
I'm still in. Latest forecast I saw said 10 percent chance of rain on Saturday and 40 percent on Sunday, but mostly in the afternoon.
Comment by Robert on April 28, 2011 at 2:51pm

I am bringing 1 lantern.  If anyone else wants to post any other community gear or needs here, that's o.k.  We have 2 extra sleeping bags. 

Comment by Robert on April 28, 2011 at 1:30pm
Anyone bringing a music player, like a radio or ipod with speakers?
Comment by Laura on April 26, 2011 at 1:42pm
Pefect. Just what.i wanted to here! Hope tjose winds dont turn around
Comment by Robert on April 26, 2011 at 9:15am

LIZ SAYS: "At this point in the year I refuse to be held hostage to poor weather any longer.  I am camping this weekend."


GO LIZ !!!

Comment by Liz on April 26, 2011 at 7:42am

Looking at the forecast its saying high 65 30% chance of "isolated storms" saturday with winds 10 mph out of the S/SE low of 50 and high of 56 with a 40% chance of showers 13 mhp winds out of the W/NW on sunday.


Based on that I'm still in.  The temperatures will be warm enough that the rain wouldn't be bone chilling and there's a good chance the rain will be limited.  Since we all have smart phones now we can keep an eye on the radar to time lunches and breaks with the weather.


As far as the trails go, the channel trail and the robert mcclory trail are paved so those are fine.  I would recommend sheridan or green bay road as an alternate for the gravel portions. 


The metra stops are about every 6 miles along the route, so if riding stops being fun, it would be easy to just jump on a train. 


At this point in the year I refuse to be held hostage to poor weather any longer.  I am camping this weekend.

Comment by Melanie K on April 26, 2011 at 6:55am
A little rain never hurt anyone- and most of the trail there is a mix of paved trails and crushed limestone stuff- or we can take to the road which is pretty doable as well. I think Friday is supposed to be nice. although Saturday is calling for more rain in the weather report- but this is Chicago weather and it changes day by day- we might even get sunny weather on Saturday- or we can at least hope for cloudy with only a few sprinkles.  I guess it is up to our Fearless Leader Kellie to decide, as she organized this. I am still in.
Comment by Laura on April 26, 2011 at 6:50am
Getting worried about this weather. Concerned that the trails may be flooded and unridable, afraid the camp group will be too muddy to camp. Sorry to be debby downer. Whats everyone elses thoughts?
Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on April 19, 2011 at 7:28am
I have an extra tent if someone needs it.
Comment by Melanie K on April 19, 2011 at 7:07am
Yay! A tent roomie! I snore louder than Rob, but I probably won't sleep anyway, so don't worry.

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