World Naked Bike Ride - Chicago #13


World Naked Bike Ride - Chicago #13

Time: June 11, 2016 from 6pm to 11pm
Location: TBA
City/Town: Chicago IL
Website or Map:
Phone: 773-33-MASS-8
Event Type: naked, bike, group, mass, eco, green
Latest Activity: Jun 11, 2016

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World Naked Bike Ride #13!!! (since 2004). Yearly. Gathering after 6p, departs before sunset.
Massive bike and skate event celebrating the end of the oil era, and promoting positive body image. Held globally with dozens of cities participating, and Chicago routinely setting U.S. turnout records.
This is a bare-as-you-dare event with outfits ranging from body paint to fanciful costumes to beach-wear. Chicago rallies many hundreds of cyclists and numerous skaters covering over a dozen miles of high visibility city tourism and recreation areas. The ride's atmosphere is extremely joyful and transcendently fun.
Bicycles constitute the best solution to reducing America's petroleum addiction and improving public health. With gas prices ever increasing and obesity an epidemic, our messages have become truisms.
Read full details at to participate.
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Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 11, 2016 at 6:09am

CHECK-IN opens today after 6pm at Fulton River Park, about 355 N Jefferson St.  Arrive CLOTHED&SHOED. Keep your clothes WITH YOU at all times.


Participants on people powered wheels will be forwarded to start location.

We ride after 8p, don't be late.  Rain or shine, so BE PREPARED for ANYTHING.


Likely viewing opportunities:

ETA ~8:45pm: Across from Trump Tower, Wacker and Wabash, 401 N Wabash Ave ETA ~9:40pm: BP station, at LaSalle and Clark, 1647 N LaSalle St ETA ~11:20: Polonia Triangle, Division and Milwaukee, 1209 N Milwaukee Ave


See  or  or  or use #WNBRC to follow us live.


Travel Tips:

No parking near the starting location, so please bike or train or bus in.

Pink+Green Clinton stop, then go north.

Blue line Grand Stop, then go southeast.

About half a mile north of Ogilve

Halsted bus is also a good option.

Metra allows bikes today, but at conductor discretion.


* World Naked Bike Ride : Chicago #13 - June 11th 2016

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